Normalizing Pedophilia II: JonBenet Ramsey

in #pedogate7 years ago

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I have a habit of always trying to understand everything and when the Ramsey case broke, I tried very hard to understand why the parents of a girl six years old would paint her up like an adult and parade her around in front of grownups. At the time of her death, I had a six year old daughter, so it particularly bothered me. The more I investigate the whole Pizzagate/Pedogate issue the more troubling it becomes... especially how prevalent pedophilia seems to be. Moreover, it seems to have been an integral part of what happened to this unfortunate child. I have long been suspect of parents that paint their children up and enter them in beauty pageants- there's something fundamentally wrong with it. Before I get back to the current investigation, I want to revisit the Ramsey case because there seems to be links to powerful people involved with this tragic death as well.

Dave McGowan, who many will probably remember from his expose "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon" about the involvement of the CIA (and Tavistock Institute's myriad of American think tanks) into the counter-culture "revolution" of the 1960's, did another expose called "Programmed to Kill" that came out in 2004. It had been put in video form and is available on YouTube and, thanks to @homerus, I've spent the past couple of days engrossed in watching them. There are two videos on the Ramsey case that show that she was likely the victim of serial abuse. Besides being completely botched (purposely or otherwise) the later investigation shows much evidence that was heretofore not released... such as dried semen on her thighs and blood on her underwear.

It's evident after watching the videos that the Ramseys were involved with many influential people, not only in Boulder (which appears to be a hotbed of child pornography) but nationally as well. As I said before- this problem is much more prevalent than we think. Frankly, I'm amazed that the more investigation I do the bigger it is. At the very least, the Ramseys are guilty of putting their child in a very dangerous situation. Painting her up like an adult and sexualizing her put her at risk... however, as the second video intimates, it's more likely that they were acting as "pimps." The more I investigate, the more disheartened I become... It almost looks like we're turning into a nation of pedophiles.

GIF by @papa-pepper



We live in a world that is filled with very dark, sick and twisted people in high places in society. That is why evil shit like this is allowed to happen.

Just wait until my next post!

So, so sad. Children are gifts from God and we must do all we can to nurture and protect them. It is so tragic when they fall victim to the evil in this world.

And it's a lot bigger and widespread than anyone knows!

Children deserve better. We need to protect them as their childhood is robbed from them. This is a big old rabbit hole. The deeper you go the more you discover, the more disgusting is gets and the more dangerous it becomes. Yet somebody needs to do this. Kind of like going down a smelly clogged sewer but there are helpless folks down there in need of us. Prayers are with you my friend. Good post.

Yeah I know, I'm one of the kids that got robbed. I intend to keep putting this out there as long as people listen. I don't care what they do to me... what are they going to do- kill me? I'm 72, it doesn't matter anymore!!!

This is indeed much bigger than any would like to admit.
Like, having the chief of police, the DA, and many officials in on it.
Having actual police guarding the area where some of the most evil crimes imaginable are happening.

We just don't want to accept it. If we even begin to accept it, we round up ever official and put them in a prison, just in case. We know that not all of them are guilty, but investigations are starting to show that 75% of them are.

The police are there to serve and protect... turns into something far worse than having the fox guard the hen house.

The world that we were sold by our teachers in govern-cement schools, and by tell-a-vision programming, gets turned on its head. The floor falls away.

All of the people that keep telling me that they believe that human beings are inherently good make me sick... People suck- they'll do anything they can get away with, no matter who gets hurt. Lord Acton was right- power corrupts and the higher up you go, the more rotten and corrupt they are!

This criminal and satanic culture has infested the western world for mostly ritual purposes - having increasingly grown into profitable conspiracy ventures. The blue bloods of Europe and their inbred evil broods, often declared insane, are in many cases the source.

The body rots from the head.

That's going to be tomorrow's post... Time to bring MI-5, Aleister Crowley and Tavistock mind programming into the mix!

I remember when I heard for the first time about JonBenet Ramsey on italian tv. My daughter was 8 years old and I really was shocked thinking about that poor little one! As a mom, as an italian mom, I was also very shocked watching how the parents of a six years old baby paint her up like an adult. It was really shocked for me because, for me, a baby is "just" a baby and "customize" a baby like an adult it's never never a good thing to do. We have to love our babies just because they are our baby, not false their identity with an adult make up/dresses/behaviour just to win something ! We have to protect our children, not to use them!
Sorry, but thinking about the case of the little Ramsey, I feel my self really angry (and sorry).

I feel the exact same way... My little Daniella was the same age when it happened. You can't do that to little girls and not expect something to happen... even if the parents weren't involved- but the evidence is overwhelming it was. I don't see how any parent could do that.

I totally agree with you. You have to think that I was really a young mother, but I've never thought to expose my daughter as an adult like that poor child. We adult perfectly know that the world is "not just roses and flowers"(It's an italian way to speech to say that there are many bad things in the world) and we really can't do that. :(

I know... I always cherished and protected my kids... I went through it and there was no way I was going to let it happen to them!

Jesus....I must say I admire the fact that you do this research, my stomach would turn over and I don't thin I could. And for sheddingthis light on all these things . could any parent do such a disgusting thing is beyond me. I hate these chilren modelling things...why the fuck would you do that to a kid? I can't imagine that level of desperate and I like to think I have a good imagination....

Her parents were filthy rich, it's not like they needed money. My stomach does turn over, but if people stop talking about it, it goes away... and I ain't letting that happen!

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