#PEDOGATE - Exclusive Interview With Pizzagate Angela - -EXPOSED - UN Peacekeepers Raping Children

in #pedogate7 years ago

Please watch this interview. Below is what was stated in the video along with a few viewers that commented too, since most read the headline and won't look into the matter. She speaks the truth, is red pilled along with VL. This was a great interview, please share.

Well folks, we had the pleasure of interviewing PizzaGate Angela of Twitter fame. Angela has been a child advocate and fighting to expose the elite pedos nationally and globally. Although Twitter continues to silence her, she has not been deterred.
Resides in VIRGINIA BEACH, one of the pockets of the most missing children. Her mother was abused as a child and over protected Angela for many reasons of which she was grateful. Recounted how other predators were checking out Angela as a child.
She’s a Christian and applies values in everything she does and exposing Pedogate. Put God first, Family, then Country.
Applying Common Sense with Discernment proves truth that the Deep State doesn’t like.
Brings up on the Charlottesville on August 12th, 2017 events that are Race War sponsored by Soros and Deep State for #NWOAgenda
6 Major corporations own Mainstream Media and Entertainment. Tied with Illuminati for deliberating dumbing down, middle school politics, putting PC shit. The powers that shouldn’t be don’t want you to question the story asking for the facts, just accept things.
Pedophilia busts on 1000% after Trump gets in. With all of the technology we have you would think they would’ve done the busts sooner, makes you think.
Pizza shops for money laundering. Deputy Attorney General of CA had child porn on computer, whose father directed bust on Watergate.
Small fish of the pedophiles have been arrested, not so much of the big fish. Need Mainstream exposure.
Clinton Foundation ties in with everything and allowed to keep doing their s***, have connections and higher up in Illuminati.
Jeffery Epstein, and Frank Giustra (running refugee center with pedophile logo along with running Unilever (FBI pedophile logo) and is on the board of the Clinton Foundation.
All three are tied with Haiti project. Epstein island is human trafficking girls, etc.
In 2007, FBI bust on 52000 Pentagon employees tied with Pedophilia. Call boys in White House during Reagan Administration.
Ask blue pillers to give you the proper definition of Pizzagate. DC faction of Political elite network that runs the world. They run the same script. Not just Pizza shop is a front group for human trafficking, pedophilia, satanic rituals, ties with politicians, celebrities, businesses, media, etc. Look up Chicken Lover in pedo community.

Comet Pizza and other pizza shops has pedophilia and satanic art work in restaurants, has satanic music such as Sex Stains, Heavy Breathing are Satanic music groups. Then, how can these pizza shops claim family friendly, when they promote Satanic s***. Then, you have Comet Ping Pong covering up their art work. People went undercover into Comet and felt the Satanic atmosphere, strange employees, pedophilia art work, spirit cooking, etc.
Virginia has 5-7 times more children missing more than any other state near DC.

Aaron Rao works in Department of Justice, his division prosecutes people responsible for child porn, liked pictures from James Alefantis. A sick bastard just like Brian Podesta for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. If anyone else mentioned the connection and these pedophiles employment, you will get your account frozen for 12 hours, some are suspended.
Some who work in the Justice Department and other employment give them license to do their sick, twisted, and Satanic s***.

Victurus Libertas's wife had the same reaction and experience when she woke up as with Angela. When Angela woke up and looked into this down the rabbit hole, didn’t sleep much up to 2-3 hours’ sleep during those 3 months, very upset, disturbed, lost 13 pounds too.
Angela was blocked by Lynn de Rothschild’s twitter, since Angela never brought her up.
What got Angela through was through a Biblical verse states “greater is God that is in me that he is in the world” and by the grace of God kept her sane, to keep going and exposing evil.
Knows she’s on the radar and was scared at first. Her faith in God keeps her going.

The art work (institutions) that the Honeybee exposed was the only rock she couldn’t turn over. Same people/players are connected with this groups and fronts, small world after all.
Marfa, Texas has population with 2,200 people. 13 museums. Dallas has 2 million.
CIA invented the modern art movement was to dumb us down. Art used for money laundering.

UN bust in April in Haiti, inconsistencies with Peacekeepers run child and drug trafficking network. Peacekeepers gang raping children and were never punished, only those who exposed the network were punished. Over 200 cases were covered up, including bestiality.

In 2015, UN worker was suspended for leaking out documents that include the continued rape and sodomy of starving homeless boys by peacekeepers. 2008, 13-year-old girls described 10 UN peacekeepers gang raped her in a field. In 2013, non-stop corruption and lawlessness spreading Cholera. In 2011, on video, 4 Peacekeepers pinned an 18 year old to a mattress, gang raped him, then laughing about it. In 2015, over 225 women and children claim sex abuse by peacekeepers known abuse for more than a decade.

Tim Mclenany showed Angela about what happened in 1987 article on #UNICEF was busted for pedophilia ring under the UNICEF Brussels office, in the basement. One 8-year-old boy went mad from horrible and horrendous experience. International bust in Belgium, Holland, Britain, and France International. Pedogate 1987.

Most people would distance themselves from the investigation and truth to make them sleep at night and make it all about them and their feelings. Much bigger things to fight for than just you. Question everything. Bottom feeders don’t just walk unless they lead to a fish they are not willing to try.

Why would the Clintons save Laura Silsbee? Her attorney has history of human trafficking? Pedophilia logos for organizations? Why fly to Epstein Island known to rape kids on camera for brownstone politicians? Clinton helped start the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Comment from a Viewer: “We Christians need to keep praying to God our Father thru Jesus to expose this to the public hurting children is one thing that unites almost everyone. ....
We fight not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ....
This is the works of Satan, he loves to hurt God and children are innocent, that's why he attacks them.”

Comment from another Viewer: “YES! Amen amen amen! Pedogate has to be fully exposed....I understand that it would be very hard for people to see & hear but it has to be done...Some people have to see to believe. This is where the majority people draw the line-harming children. Majority people will not tolerate it and this is what will open everyone's eyes to set their politics aside and join this fight to save these precious innocent children from the evil satanic Elite in this world that are harming them.

What I always say to the non believers of Pedogate is "so if ur child were to come to u & tell u they have been sexually abused by someone, u would tell them they are fake news? U would not believe ur child?" The response I get that 95% of the time is "well of course I would believe my child" my response to that is "then why would u turn ur back & deny all these children who are being tortured by evil people from being saved by calling it fake news? What makes 1 Child more important than another? Children are children. Period."

List of Pedophiles: Anthony Weiner, Jeffrey Epstein, Jimmy Saville, Dennis Hastert, Jerry Sandusky, Dr. Antony Kidman, Roman Polanski, Michael Aquino, etc.


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