Ghislaine Maxwell: Socialite Madam and Human Trafficker with Ties to the Elite

in #pedogate7 years ago (edited)


Remember, Remember the Fifth of November
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.

That's what popped into my head when looking up Ghislaine's father, Robert Maxwell, who died under mysterious circumstances (aka Natalie Wooded and found floating in the sea) on November 5th, 1991.


His death left Ghislaine comatose... and like a sick Prince Charming, Jeffery Epstein was the person who "saved her life" and for that, he has her total loyalty.


It makes me wonder, when taking into account the things that I consider about Epstein (possible ties to Mossad, possible use of MK Ultra to code couriers [ so, uh, dentist chair at his mansion? Per Brice Taylor, there was use of dental tools to torture and program MK Ultra slaves. He has ties to literally shittons of people from celebrities, business magnates, politicians and royalty from across the globe; he to me, seems a nexus in the midst of a huge web. It would also explain his incredibly light sentence for trafficking 33 victims. To say he got a light sentence only because he's wealthy disregards the way his island and connections intertwine in the grander scheme of things, imho] and how he was the one to save Ghislaine...) makes me wonder if Ghislaine was MKUltra'd as a kid with her father being primary handler. Upon his death her programming caused her to shut down until someone with a command to unlock (or whatever phrase they use to denote a similar action of transferring ownership of a slave) basically turned her back on; THIS IS SPECULATION ON MY PART. If not true, well, it'd make for an interesting novel. Especially when it's factual that Ghislaine's dad had ties to Israel and is buried there, too, and thus Mossad influence can be considered as a potential.


Added to this amalgamation of political influence bridging the Atlantic (Ghislaine has been photographed in the presence of Prince Andrew, Duke of York (aka #4 in line to the English throne)

and at Chelsea Clinton's wedding-- that is, after the allegations of her being tied to Epstein's human trafficking enterprise by procuring underaged girls, helping to schedule their sexual abuse, and abusing them herself, both sexually and emotionally for not complying.

These court documents reveal horrific things, especially knowing this person was considered in high enough esteem to attend the Clinton wedding. It puts horrible optics on the Clinton clan itself, and their willingness to socialize with human traffickers. With Ghislaine being Epstein's right hand woman, it's very possible she's able to act as intermediary between the Clintons and Epstein, thereby giving the illusion that the Clintons have utterly disavowed Epstein. But it's hard to accept that notion, knowing they willingly invited Epstein's closes cohort to Chelsea's wedding.

What is especially troublesome to me, is the fact Hillary Clinton allowed a known human trafficker to attend her only child's wedding and then ran for fucking president.

Is Maxwell a friend or family to the Clintons?

Huge shoutout to @RebelSkum for his archives.
Especially the specific one which inspired this post

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