Operation Backyard Brawl those who see them as heroes and the naysayers!

in #pedogate6 years ago (edited)

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This is in response to the negativity and those criticizing this Veterans on Patrol group. I believe discernment is necessary, I also feel that people Will Show you Who they really are.

Following are some of the comments from various social media platforms including Voat, Reddit and Facebook.

This from a commenter on a forum trying to research and uncover child sex trafficking and pedophile abuse.

Commenter states,

"He keeps saying they refuse to take cash and is receiving tons of donations. In his videos there are images of Visa gift cards which can be used at any ATM and converted to cash. So when he says he won't take cash he is lying. It convertible to cash. He is a long time scammer.

He has helped some homeless people and I also think he is a huge scam.

The "child trafficking gun tower" he found turned out to be a federal fire watch tower owned by the government. That was obvious from looking at it on video because it was professionally built high dollar and had area maps on the wall like most government fire towers.

The "child's skull" turned out to be a man in his twenties and that was obvious when looking at it from the front. It was also bleached out and not decomposing like he claimed. The big Xs he found on the ground and claimed were "pointing to child trafficking camps" are survey markers. Its all slowly coming out.

Reports pouring in and details of his past. I firmly believe he is a scammer and a liar and always has been. What I believe he is doing is finding waypoints and camps of homeless people and illegal immigrants and immediately branding them as child trafficking dens for publicity.

These illegal immigrant waypoint camps are littered with trash, empty food boxes, discarded clothes left behind by families, some stuff for kids like toys etc....I watched him walk into one on live video and I TURNED THE SOUND OFF so that I could just watch instead of listen to his bullshit. All I saw was a trashy mess in a little building. I rewound it and Lewis had immediately declared it a child prison.

A long litany of Lewis's past scams and cheesy ways. Lewis won't fill out the paperwork so that he can accept donations under the name of a veterans organization and calls scam a church.

Lewis claims to have disturbed all the "crime scenes" and hid a lot of the evidence. Probably makes "evidence" useless and discredited."

Another commenter responds to these accusations and states,

"Yo, I'm down here right now in Tucson picking up supplies for VOP. The work he does is not a scam. Come down and meet some of the homeless who now have food and a place to eat because of his program. It's a great organization - very open to anyone showing up. He's been doing it for 3 years and another man had done it 10 years before him. This is no scam.

The "child's skull" turned out to be a man in his twenties and that was obvious when looking at it from the front

That was a very small skull for a man. I saw it in person. It was also de-fanged. No teeth. The jaw was removed as well. The skull still had wet tissue on the inside, which in this desert heat means it was left out there maybe 3 days prior. The lab likely covered it up just like everyone else has been doing. I don't see how that could have been an adult's skull unless they were very small.

I TURNED THE SOUND OFF so that I could just watch instead of listen to his bullshit.

He was being assumptive with one of the waypoint camps but that doesn't mean he didn't find a rape camp at Cemex and is now scouring the hot desert to actually do something rather than being docile like everyone else. We're operating off of what other ranchers and residents have told us about these points. He probably should have been more restrained in his assessment there, but nobody's perfect.

Lewish claims to have disturbed all the "crime scenes" and hid a lot of the evidence. Probably makes "evidence" useless and discredited.

I understand how tampering can create problems in a normal justice system, but how much does that even matter if the 'crime scenes' are covered up anyway? Underground child prisons and straps indicating rape trees were completely ignored, for example.

The mission is to shine light on child trafficking in Tucson. Does it matter that the child's skull was tipped over if the 'lab' isn't acknowledging it was a child in the first place? Or was it more helpful to the truth because it allowed independent investigators to witness the wet tissue still within the skull indicating it had died recently, before it could be hidden?

We're dealing with extreme coverups and corruption. They aren't investigating it properly, there is no 'crime scene' as far as they're concerned so there's nothing for us to discredit in this system. The purpose of investigating is to reveal the truth and show it to the people. The authorities have already shown their bias towards protecting the pedo-elite.

Lewis is being character-attacked because he's very close to the truth. Most of those stories about him are bs. He really is a self-sacrificing person who works very hard in what I've gathered in face-to-face interactions. Alongside this search we're doing, Lewis is making sure all of his vets are taken care of at the Bravo camp. It really is commendable to watch.

His team is top-notch too. As an indoor kid, I'm finding it hard to keep up.

This op includes many other people including one individual who knows the rape camp was legitimate because it was just like the ones they were strapped to as a kid. This is very real.

Chelsea Clinton called it Pizzagate 2. Now the media and controlled opposition alt-media is trying to disparage Lewis by fabricating claims that he had sex offender charges etc. We are over the target.

Lewis isn't perfect (I'm still trying to figure out how to redpill him on Qanon), but he is really doing something great. We the people need to stand up already and fight back against this stuff. Tucson is the front line as far as I can see. Nobody else is tackling this head-on."

My comment based on first commenter's statement,

He shouldn't fill out the paper work. A 501C3 is a deal with the devil packaged up as "charity work". That is the guise Zuck's, Soros, Clinton, Gates and many others are cloaked under. ..a charity! When you poke around and look at who is on their board, it's always those who are politically like minded, i.e. a NWO agenda, plans, organizations and MO.

Either you trust the Creator or you trust the enticement of tax free donations. Evil organizations Bank on these exemptions and enticements to entice others. Him not filling out that paperwork is Not a negative to me. . .but rather the exact opposite. Glad to hear someone putting their money (or lack thereof) where their mouth is. Money or at least the love of it is the root of all evil. Those who depend upon it eventually understand it's illusion which deludes them into a False sense of Security. The Creator's ways are not man's ways. In the end, it all burns up and there is no need for satan's currency or control. In the meantime, humans are in need of supplies and ways to travel. If they are able, hopefully they are sending the gas cards and cash cards to those who want to come help, but don't have the means to get there.

The commenter responded, concerning my first paragraph with,

"You probably have a point."

Another commenter states,

"Think Edgar Maddison Welch and Comet Ping Pong. I believe Lewis was a Welch. Lewis' background is sketchy. It was also a dual-purpose FF, trying to entangle Sawyer in the middle of it. Sawyer smelled what was going on and E&E.

Notice the site was very quickly bulldozed. Like the hard drive."

A response from yet another commenter,

Finding of the proven to be child sex trafficking rape child porn location site as all the evidence confirms. Along with many multiple honest sources. Just because you try to invert reality minus facts and try to dissuade people from believing TRUTH doesn't means aren't seeing clearly.

Bill Hicks waded into Pizzagate and then pulled out apologizing to Alefantis to "discredit" the story. Same tactic used here.

You have the whole case inverted from reality. You are really trying hard for people not grasp the brevity and veracity of this clear cut 100% proven exposure of corruption on a massive scale.

Pretty sick on your part.

Sawyer has provided no evidence his well to do daughter was ever trafficked or "raped", that he has made "arrests" with his fake org, or provided any evidence of saving any "kids" those are made up fake stats.

BTW VOP Team that night try to sperg it will do you no good, you know you are ignoring the dozen and many more witnesses that discovered this sick site on private property were no homeless go because as according to the homeless than informed VOP ITS CARTEL LAND."

Another commenter states,

"Thank you. This is disturbing to read so many saying they are just trying to figure this out and are on the fence yet then immediately go to infighting and respond the same way they do not like being responded to. To tell someone to not share info and awareness of the bigger picture i.e. Q, being redpilled, etc because it would make someone more wacko or crazy is completely hypocritical and is only furthering the master slave, divide and conquer, dualistic, hijacked and inverted reality we are collectively trying to break free from. When was this whole subject ever not compared to being completely crazy and after just scratching the surface in all these threads, it is really very disheartening to see mud slinging techniques to debate with, this has been going on for so long already in the alternative community, it would be nice for those who jumped on the bandwagon only a couple years ago from the catalyst called pizzagate, to not engage in such behaviour and understand how they are contributing to frequencies they would otherwise avoid."

I respond,

"It is clear to me too this is receiving the same kind of pushback pizzagate which is truly pedogate received from the media and also some in the truth community. That to me is a blatant tell. . .you only receive that kind of push back when certain people don't want you poking around. Very sad and telling.

I do appreciate those who are willing to debate and disagree without the mud slinging. Mud slinging serves no purpose and hinders from shining a light on a evil proven to exist which the masses still don't believe is possible, or at least they are not aware of the massive scale of which it exists upon. Thanking the Creator for group, though not perfect (as none of us are) are using the skills and resources they do have to Act rather than just Talk and feel hopeless. They have made it clear, at least Lewis has, that he is relying on the Creator to guide them and doing this on faith. Not waiting for government help which has never panned out, but going to a higher authority."

As these were responses to three videos reports in a series concerning this group and their work, I had one that was called Backyard Brawl, can you trust the VOP part 2?

One commenter has a great comment, which I found quite apt,

"Trust? Seriously? Never trust anyone ever, especially yourself. That is the ultimate Appeal to Authority Fallacy.

Trust the mission. Trust the preparations. Trust your cohort's maneuvers if you must, but never trust people or the vain superstitions of people."

My response,

I would say that is sound advice because people will fail you every time. I like to say everyone will fail you at some time except for the Creator, but then He is the highest Power. I trust the Creator. From what I can see the leader being transparent and showing live footage is committed to trusting the Creator and having faith. I do feel, unless they demonstrate otherwise, they are trying to shine a light on this evil all informed Good people Know exists and has existed for years.

There will be a part 2 to this as there is an extensive list of comments on both sides of the debate. Very interesting and many points to ponder.

This was in relation to
What is Operation Backyard Brawl? Can the VOP be trusted and what are they doing in Tucson?
Which can be found here

Backyard Brawl Can you trust the VOP in Tucson? Part 2
Which can be found here

VOP Operation Backyard Brawl and Craig Sawyer Part 3
Found here

Here is one of their live feeds

What do you think about this Veterans on Patrol group trying to locate more evidence to stop this child sex trafficking epidemic? Please let me know in the comments below. Godspeed!


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Discussion of Veterans On Patrol
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