Ellen Degeneres comedy bit on being married off at 13 and having many babies with an interesting symbol behind her!

in #pedogate5 years ago (edited)

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I found this odd. Happen to come across this when searching for something else. Notice the pedo symbolism on back wall and bringing this in where she talks about a tribe marrying 13 year olds, having babies, then apparently just leaving them. Interesting because many a victim have said This is exactly what happens. Victims having babies, those babies being sacrificed and even used for more mind control and production.

The laughing off as a joke is an obvious attempt to slip in an agenda and "normalize." Satan and his followers are likely Starting to get the idea, this will Never be normalized by the #SonsAndDaughtersOfGod and God has already tasked plenty with showing people the truth of it all! Bringing this in Right where she starts to tell this story and any progressive or shill who tries to claim it's all in fun. . .we have documentation of Proof of handlers showing it is Yet another Tell to what really goes on, not saying with this particular tribe, but across the globe with luciferians.

Proof that this kind of evil exists. You should pray and ask for God's protection and calm when you watch this. Truly horrific, but God let me know a few years ago, it Had to be dealt with or it only continues. Keeping this evil hidden just so people don't have to feel the horrors Will Not Stop the horror for these innocent victims. We are in a time God wants to turn the #DarkToLight!

This was done also by 60 Minutes Australia,

MUST SEE! 15 Years Old Girl Survive Satanic Ritual Rapes and Sacrifices (Complete)

Yellow Vest Patriot says there are satanic Paedos refers to Hampstead case/ hear evidence of records

Just take yourself over to google and type in Ellen's set looks like Epstein's temple and ask yourself WHY?

You will see images like this. . .

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This is interesting, who she associates with and Who they are connected to!

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See Ellen call her Elite Celebrity friends, then check out what they are known for underneath their Fans Praise and worship!

Adam Levine, Maroon 5, the Super Bowl, Serial Killers and Satanism

Check out how the connections of John Legend go Deep with Hillary Clinton and what was going on in Haiti. Not to mention with him doing an event with Marina Abramovich a self proclaimed Witch who has done the most heinous acts at events like the Moca Gala Event 2011



You can also listen while doing chores here,
Qdrops Feb 13-14 Flight problems, Celebs and Stranger things, NSA shooting, the Clowns protection

Connecting Video Reports and Info

Super Bowl 54 How did you feel about the Halftime show? Did you catch all they were signaling?

Halftime kids in cages questions

Facebook Frames Where's the Birthday Party, Cheesecake and Jelly beans? Malls and functions closing down in many places it seems.

It’s the End of the World as we know it! Or as I like to call. . .the deprogramming as many Don't Know it! Definitely Times are changing, but no worries, the shut downs Won’t last too long! Just the amount of time it takes to keep everyone safe.

Facebook Frames Harvard University Professor who worked at Wuhan University of Technology and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases.

I will show you how there are Connections All over the MAP!

a Harvard Professor who was Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University...

Many professionals have come out and also said what MSM is doing is wrong and dangerous!

Why would they want to try to panic people? What does fear and anxiety do to your immune system?

Not good for it and Why God said #FearNoMore

Live Coronavirus Task Force White House Briefing Today.

Who has Eyes to See and Ears to Hear?

Plenty do. I have seen you out there!

Another jaunt through What they were Telling us, and the globalists thought we were just sitting still not tracking!

Lyrics in We Built This City,

It's just another Sunday
In a tired old street
Police have got the choke hold, oh
Then we just lost the beat

Who counts the money underneath the bar?
Who rides the wrecking ball into our guitars?
Don't tell us you need us 'cause we're the ship of fools
Looking for America, coming through your schools

Do you SEE it?

We were Sick of
"sinking in your fight all globalists and cabal owned corps or corporations". #NoMoreCorporationGames, #TheyreAlwaysChangingCorporationNames, (What was the forerunner to FB. AOL?) #TheyCallUsIrresponsibleAndWriteUsOffThePage, WE'RE STILL STANDING in Spite Of YOU! You are Not sitting so pretty. #WhiteRabbit!

Notice all the Signaling from Elites?

Have you seen what Ellen, Madonna and Hanx have been up to? Will put Facebook Frames links in comments of Original Post in case you haven't seen.

How about that caged canary inside a Q?

Had a Super Guardian of Children point out the connection to canary's in the mines back in the day. Take a stab at how early that started. Interesting date isn't it?

If you go look up the Smithsonian you will find this interesting info, (Will drop a link in comments of Original Post directly from the Smithsonian)

On this day in 1986, a mining tradition dating back to 1911 ended: the use of canaries in coal mines to detect carbon monoxide and other toxic gases before they hurt humans. New plans from the government declared that the “electronic nose,” a detector with a digital reading, would replace the birds, according to the BBC.
Read more and get more connections/links here,

Hear how China and CDC didn't "Let us Know" about some Live Exercises and President Donald J. Trump states here, "They should have let us know!"

Don't YOU think they should have let us know When they were aware? Why didn't they?
Hear more with evidence here,

Both Hanx and Madonna
Facebook Frames Smith Corona typewriter and signaling by elites doing their "coronavirus diaries" and all sorts of what appear to be gimmicks!

Facebook Frames Coronavirus Elite Cases and Elitist Resignations #FollowTheWhiteRabbit

Flip through the Frame photos as some of these May surprise you! Many of these Elites are Well Connected!

Facebook Frames the Power's in the Blood can be Flipped!

Flip through Frames and it tells the story.

Will drop links, sources and connectors over prior research in comments of Original Post.

Facebook Frames on What is closed and where. I am just focusing on a few places. Feel free to put an update of your area in comments. Would be interesting to hear about!

Interesting to see states with Large Numbers of #SealedIndictments have much of their industry and services closed. #ThoseWhoYellTheLoudest

Take New York for example, 9,172 Sealed Cases



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