SHOW US A MISMATCHED GAME ... THAT YOU WON!! (Prize Bounties offered)
We want to see which games you were totally outmatched and yet won. We will reward you if you give us a battlechain screenshot of a mismatched game in the comments. << put your account instead. Note only works for peakmonsters customers.
... This is not your RANKING this is based off of the LEVELS of your cards on a 10 level scale. We will score them using this spreadsheet
See the example below.
Anyone that overcomes a team 2.25 levels ahead of them will get a pack (Limit 10 packs)
If there are not 10 that qualify I may throw in some SBI if there are some games that were a 1.5 level or greater difference.
Like this one:
We've already sent @wizardave a pack for that epic win against a maxed out team!
Very cool. Thanks!!!

That team level is not showing up for me.

I'm using Chrome on Linux if that maybe makes a difference???
Here's my "lucky" water team beating another team with a couple of level 10s...
I manually wrote that in on a screenshot... i had to do it manually. We have yet to program it. We're just seeing if people like it first. Then we can program it in.
So what do you think?
I think your team is very creative and a great group of programmers!
How one of those games goes.
Click battle.
Thinking "this is going to be ugly..." haha
Thinking "see he's wiping me out..."
Thinking "huh? I might actually have a chance!"
Jumping up out of your chair
I can't believe I just beat them!!!
This is a great game!
Struggling to get the details in a screenshot on my phone, but the battle id is
Nevermind. I was able to get it on the PC at work
the game wasn't terribly lopsided. You have to remember your L6 serpent is the same level as his knight.(difference between common and rare) But you were lower ranked in general.
But thanks for submitting @jarvie will submit an SBI from @steembasicincome anyway
I'm still struggling with the vagaries of the levels between Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary & Gold Foil. For ease of comparison I'd like to see the same levels across the board but some cards automatically start at the higher base.
Appreciate the prize :)
This is my battle... took the screenshots now
Opponents team:
My team:
Winner... Me:
I did a spreadsheet like the one you used for weighting the difference between the two teams... This is what I came up with. NB: I do not know the lvl of my opponents summoner...
I would like to think that this guy is way stronger then me. I only opened up 1 stater pack and bought around 3-4 cards from the market so far. I am a total newbie, I have a whole lvl 1 team lol...
@jarvie sent you a pack! Good job on that game!
Wow, thanx a lot :D
hey guys this game was sickk WIN :D wish i coud show you some games more but you can only watch last 100 :) so yeah check out my game its was crazy i had 2 . 3 . 4. 5 lvl and he had 6. 8. 10. 6 lvl.. have fun steem people :)