in #peakmonsters5 years ago (edited)


Check out all the volume and action the bid market has created all these months...
Every successful market has two way action


Many don't even realize that there is a functioning healthy BID market ... well it's been going on for a while now.


We're doing a PMT drop and tournament for all those who have an active bid on the market.
Details here: https://staging.steempeak.com/splinterlands/@peakmonsters/airdrop-for-bid-market

First Airdrop is happening in mere minutes... the other one will happen closer to the time of the tournament... but don't delay


  • There are 1321 bids active right now (cards and rarities)
  • There have been 7041 bid that have resulted in anywhere from 1-99 cards being bought
  • 418 of those bids bought the max amount of 99 cards
  • The average bid is $1.24
  • The median bid is $0.17
  • The highest bid is $200.20
  • 63 times someone bid 1 cent and it was successful more than you think (that's pre-DEC days)
  • We have bought 21,622 cards under 2 cents for users
  • All in all we have bought 96,475 cards for users
  • Total of $18,136 of cards purchased just because of bids
  • We started around Jan 7 which means 170 days
  • That's an average of $106 a day
  • 567 cards on average a day
  • Only 172 users have used the bid market to date
  • The average number of cards purchased per user is 558
  • The median number of cards purchased per user is 40
  • Top 5 users have bought this many cards
    A: 20,796 | B: 15,744 | C: 8521 | D: 7996 | E: 3280
  • Of the 7041 bids 516 of them were bids on RARITY
  • But 26,407 cards were purchased through a rarity bid
  • The most popular cards purchased NOT through rarity were card ID numbers (83,96,86,80,105)
  • Least popular were 77 and 130 (Shin lo and archmagus ... i think for obvious reasons)


  • I say that even though those numbers have gone down since people are now more apt to BURN cards sometimes rather than sell.
  • The market overall is averaging much much less transactions than it used to.
  • And most active buyers have mostly bought their collection they're playing with
  • Right now many of the active bids are underneath the DEC values... which to me is a clear indication that the users most using the bid market are those who want to buy a card with zero risk. Meaning a card they can immediately profit from.
  • Well as you can guess sellers are more educated now.


  • I think users looking to buy cards UNDER the list price and over the DEC burn value are really in the sweet spot for BIDS


  • To be honest here are today's DEC card values.
  • There really shouldn't be too many bids under these ammounts. If you are a seller and want a better option than burning then look for bid prices above these stats, specially if you want funds immediately then those bids are good to go. If you can wait then list the card and wait for the buyers to come up to your price.

I hate to break it to some consistent BID users... but i think gone are the days of bids under DEC value.
I think once users who want to buy cards to play with but UNDER the list value they'll be making bids around and above the DEC numbers listed above.

What do you think?

The market will mature... for sure. I thought that from day one people were selling cards below their value and IMHO the game is so well constructed and moving in such a great direction that it's hard for me to imagine that the future value of cards will be less than the present value.(market value NM the bids)

I don't know why I haven't used this feature previously. Sux to be me, I totally missed out on what I think some might describe as a GOLDEN GOOSE or something of the sort.

Wow I didn't expect over 1000 active bids.

That is actually really good :)

Do You think overpriced cards will get cheaper to meet their DEC value? In the longterm?

Nope i do not think that at all. I think DEC value will act as a BOTTOM and no one will sell a card for at or near DEC value because it's better to just burn them and help create scarcity in the market. So i think DEC value will act as a floor and if users who want the cards to play with (not like you and me who buy cards to buy/sell) they'll be willing to pay beyond the bare minimum for cards because they want to play with them so they have value beyond market value.

Overpriced bids will be healthy for the sm market and sellers, but not bidder and peakmonsters. You are trying to attract more users to peakmonsters. Also, you discourage bidders with overpriced.

What do you consider overpriced?

I don't understand why sellers would ever list a card below the DEC value. I think it could be perhaps considered bad to hope a seller is uneducated enough to list a card below DEC value. Some may see it as preying on the ignorance of others.

All i'm saying is that bids is probably best served to operate between DEC value and list value. Spreads can still be large... but healthy markets do tend to have smaller spreads.

Also note DEC value does fluctuate depending on steem and DEC values.

Overpriced? i mean bids price. i think, yesterday Overpriced for most bids. It is not good for bid market.
bandicam 2019-06-28 21-27-00-802.jpg

i think most sellers are so smart because they selling some cards below market price. But if we calculate, they sold they are cards for above DEC value.

Sorry you're gonna have to elaborate i'm kind of lost. Or someone else can translate.

Let's look at it this way... if sellers aren't willing to sell for the price a bidder puts down then it's far from overpriced.

And in most markets small spreads are very much the sign of a healthy market... so i'm still kind of lost as to what you mean.

@nealmcspadden what do you think?

This is crazy talk.

Like you said @jarvie the DEC value of a card will form a floor on the market value of a card. Because why would a seller trade a card for less USD than they could get by just converting it to DEC? There are some transaction costs in there, but the market takes 5% anyways, which would be more than the transaction costs.

Complaining that market prices are higher than the DEC value is just that. Complaining.

Yes. I am trying to say, selling is profitable than card burning.

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