Peaceful Parenting | Smith Family

Peaceful Parenting | Smith Family

The Smith family is residing in Japan and they opened their doors for us to see what peaceful parenting looks like in their home.

Follow @kafkanarchy84 (Smith Family)

Peaceful parenting is a style of parenting that relies in empowering kids and teaching them how to think instead of the orthodox command and control approach. I hope you like this as much as I did.

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What are your experiences with parenting? What do you think of peaceful parenting? Let me know in the comments below!


I was an elementary teacher who taught at 2nd grade classroom.

There was a time when I faced the difficulties to make the parents understand what their children's really need. Most of parents used to compare their kids abilities to the other students.

Parent should know that every children is unique.
Some are good at math
Some are good at dancing
Some are good toward animal
Some are good at empatizing

The parents just could not force their kids to be someone else. The kids are genius in their own ways. Parents should not be judgmental toward children's passion and abilities.

For me, as the elementary school teacher, peaceful parenting means that the parents accept the differences. They eager to empower the children's passions. The parents trust their children's so they can grow up to be the best version of theirself. That's what children need the most; trust, compassion and patience from their parents.

It's nice to have a good relationship with in the family... I'm thankful I have a loving parents thought us all good things...

We should spend more time with family / parents . They are our only blessing in the world . They deserve it from us.
hats off you to peace ful parenting . It's indeed . You did it well . Good job man , @emancipatedhuman

thank you. i do think it is the one way to achieve a sustainable peaceful world.

We try and be peaceful parents because we want well adjusted kids but my 8 year old is pushing a lot of buttons at the moment. Challenging times 🙏🏽

it is worth it. and... it will also be helpful for you guys in the long run. it will increase your leadership skills.

The "peace" in peaceful parenting comes from you

unequivocally true.

thanks @emancipadhuman for sharing your experience. You know in the Asian culture and society the family is very important structure. especially in asian culture show respect your parents is very important. and majority of the children grew up very strong without any physychal or phsychological damage. I would like to poin out that the thing is we survive as a nation or person because of our tradition, culture and language

of course! i think it is very important to show respect to our elders not just because they are so, but because they have done so much for us and gave us life itself. thank you

Good post and correct

Peaceful parenting can lead to good child upbringing

Thank you very much for sharing this post because you did not just share this post.This post has written a nice way to make sure that you have a lot of benefits to get it back and thank you for the news.

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