The Peace Academy Curriculum // PSYOPS - False Flags (Orientation starts in 30 min)

in #peaceacademy7 years ago

What is a False Flag?

Also known as Engineered Events, a False Flag is just one of many psychological operation methodologies (PSYOP). Many of these have been perpetrated by private corporations and governments around the world and many have been publicly disclosed as such.

There are many False Flag conspiracies out there, but today we are going to focus on the False Flag operations that have been forensically proven and publicly disclosed.

A Few Proven False Flags Throughout History

  • The Manchurian Incident
    In 1931, The Japanese army caused an explosion on a train and blamed it on China in order to rationalize and gain support for the invasion of Manchuria.
  • Nuremberg trials
    High ranking SS officers admitted to burning the German Parliament building and blaming it on Communists. They also admitted to attacking their own citizens and blaming the Polish in order to justify the invasion of Poland.
  • Operation Northwoods
    United States declassified documents from 1962 show that the Joint Chiefs of Staff formulated a plan to hijack American planes, blow up U.S. ships, and commit terrorist acts in America while blaming Cuba in order to justify an invasion.
    ABC news report; the official documents
  • Secret Cold War in Italy
    With help from the Pentagon and the CIA, NATO implemented terrorist attacks from 1950 through 1980 in Italy and other European countries.
    They blamed the Communists in order to gain support for the continued fight against Communism.

Direct quote from a participant involved in this Secret Cold War:
“You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security”so that “a state of emergency could be declared, so people would willingly trade part of their freedom for the security. This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the State cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened.”

NDAA 2012 and the repeal of the Smith-Mundt Act

Prior to 2012 it was illegal for the government to create psyops in America to effect Americans. The law forbidding this was called the Smith-Mundt Act. The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 repealed the Smith-Mundt act thus allowing the government and private corporations to create false narratives to deceive Americans. These tactics are largely used to foster war and violence, which generally speaking, average people don't support.

Here's an article about the repeal in the NDAA.


False Flag: Satoshi Nakamoto creates Bitcoin to combat powers at be and central banking. Reality: Bitcoin was created by a powerful government organization to destroy fiat based debt and transfer wealth to a select few hands! 😂😂 I’m just kidding by the way. I thought I’d have fun with this one even though the topic is a serious one! Thanks for the post!

LOL. That's funny. Although I've heard two different sources this week start floating the "NSA created Bitcoin," theory. It's a little late in the game for that. I do wonder where all the BTC from the FBI's Silk Road bust went, though. heh

Yeah! It gives me a laugh when I think about it, because it actually makes sense to me! 😂😂 I mainly want to joke about it to bring awareness to the possibility, but I really don’t care who created it. I’m just happy I got some Bitcoin and STEEM! I love my Steemit too!!

I know, right? LOL...If the NSA did create BTC, maybe it was their way of righting all the wrongs in this world. I'm right there with ya, I'm so glad I've got Steem!

I know you said you are just kidding, but that (infiltrated bitcoin) is a thought that I consider possible.

No doubt it’s possible! It’s likely true! Doubt we’ll ever know for sure, but the incentives are there!

Agree with likely true.
My guess 70%

False flag make demotivate to create original works for that taking to punishing system of socializing

In a certain city in Nigeria, the plan to stop motorcycles from plying the major roads in the city was kicked against by the populace with so much passion. To drive home their points, the commercial motorcyclists went on a 'peaceful protest' in the Federal Secretariat.

Suddenly a group of men on motorcycles appeared from nowhere and directly approached a location in the secretariat where over 700 brand new taxis imported by the government were packed. These vehicles were completely burned the ashes.

The government stood under this umbrella to cease all commercial motorcyclists operations in the state with immediate effect and it was very successful.

About 3 months later, it was found out that the men who burnt the taxis were actually government agents.


The purpose of False Flags has been and continues to be to further people's consolidation of power into ever smaller concentrated grasps. The Lusitania was sent across the Atlantic for the purpose of infuriating the 95% who were against the War, Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen despite warning of the invasion to infuriate the same people, again, and then Vietnam's gulf of Tonkin.. then the Desert Storm False Testimony, the Narrative of Weapons of Mass Destruction, now N.Korea is the patsy, not the people who gave them the only Nuclear Reactor that makes/wastes can be used to create weapons grade Plutonium.

The Three World War narrative is still in play, one world order.

thanks for sharing the experience you had when first starting out. i will keep that in mind for any future comments i might be making.

This information you just passed across is a very useful one and indeed needed too. I just hope the government at all levels sees this post. I learnt what False flag means today and it shouldn't be encouraged. Thanks @aggroed

excellent post brother @aggroed

@aggroed, this is part of the lifting of the veil. Transparency is not something the PTB can escape. The time for HU-Manity to access memory of our Sovereignty is now. All is slowly being brought into the light. The False Flags are becoming so much more obvious.

You are right, things are becoming so much more transparent. I think it's partially because the PTB don't have any new tricks. They can't think outside the box, so they keep pulling the same stunts over and over. Once you know how the magician does the trick, from then on you watch for the slight of hand, instead of the trick itself. Thanks to the internet, and places like Steemit, the magician's trick is being exposed daily, and more and more people are now watching for the slight of hand. We are no longer fooled by the slight of hand.

might i recommend the book (or audio) "jeb and the bush crime family" (among others) ... cos not all conspiracies are false xD

viewed, voted, commented, and re-steemed ...

anyone follows me i'll follow back within a few days

if you have complaints please check the link, or else just do that content dictator thing you do i no longer care ... a resteem is a resteem, atm to 273 people, thats 273 chances to have it re-resteemed,

...disclaimer, disclaimer, something on stalking whales and stuff, since my pathological apathy struck and i got these pills i dont seem to care much, maybe it'l get better, trying to get my head around normalized neural pathways ... good luck

I.e.,.. The countless school shooting false flags used to convince the masses to ban guns, including this most recent shooting in Parkland, FL.

Im sick of this..

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