How to live a peaceful life?

in #peace2 years ago


In the present age, despite the provision of countless external means of luxury, every other member of the society seems to complain of anxiety and restlessness. Despite the abundance of wealth, many people seem to be wandering in search of peace. Due to lack of calmness in life, the body becomes prone to diseases like anger, irritability and depression.


As a result of which sometimes different thoughts start circulating in the mind and the matter reaches to suicide. It is certainly Muslim that it is impossible to obtain the great blessing of peace through wealth or fame. Big bungalows, air-conditioned rooms, soft and warm beds and other means of comfort are far from predictable. Even after taking expensive medicines, the whole night passes by changing the crotch. This is a great blessing given by Allah Ta'ala which cannot be obtained through worldly means. Which is impossible to get through worldly means. I have seen many times with my own eyes the madrasa students wearing cheap and simple clothes and enjoying a deep and peaceful sleep with their beds spread on the floor. After all, what is the recipe that can be used to make life calm? What is the path that can bring peace and tranquility in life.


If a person in this world wants to be always happy, without suffering and pain knocking at the door of his house, then it is impossible. Life consists of ups and downs of happiness and sadness. Pain and happiness go hand in hand. Therefore, such thinking can cause anxiety and restlessness in your life. Being content with the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala fills our life with peace and tranquility. A Muslim gets the reward of even the smallest pain provided he holds on to patience. If he is happy, then he should thank Allah Almighty, and if something hurts, then leave the matter to Allah and be patient with him.
In both cases, he will be worthy of God's pleasure and his good deeds will continue to increase. It is mentioned in the Hadith Sharif that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that the person who is given these four things will get all the good things of this world and the hereafter. A thankful heart, a remembering God tongue, a patient body and a righteous woman. It is known that patience and gratitude are not only a treasure for the hereafter, but are one of the great blessings of this world and the hereafter. Patience gives a person courage to face sufferings.And thanksgiving saves us from many dangerous sins. Many of our simple Muslims start underestimating the blessings given by nature as soon as they get a chance, although if we only look at our own existence, we will find countless such blessings in return for which we spend our whole life in prostration. The right cannot be paid. Along with this, due to impatience and ingratitude, our body gets stressed and as a result we lose peace and tranquility from our life. Therefore, we should adopt the teachings of the Sharia and throw out diseases like impatience, ingratitude, greed, envy, malice, etc. from our minds and refresh our minds with blessings like patience, gratitude, selflessness, sincerity and love.

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