Why do Hindus light a Dipak (lamp) ?? 🙏🔥🙏

in #peace7 years ago

In almost every Indian home a lamp is lit daily before the altar of the Lord. In some houses it is lit at dawn, in some, twice a day – at dawn and dusk – and in a few it is maintained continuously - Akhanda Deepa.

All auspicious functions commence with the lighting of the lamp, which is often maintained right through the occasion.
Light symbolizes knowledge, and darkness - ignorance. The Lord is the "Knowledge Principle" (Chaitanya) who is the source, the enlivener and the illuminator of all knowledge. Hence light is worshiped as the Lord himself.
Knowledge removes ignorance just as light removes darkness. Also knowledge is a lasting inner wealth by which all outer achievement can be accomplished.
Hence we light the lamp to bow down to knowledge as the greatest of all forms of wealth.
Why not light a bulb or tube light...??
That too would remove darkness. But the traditional oil lamp has a further spiritual significance.
The oil or ghee in the lamp symbolizes our vaasanas or negative tendencies and the wick, the ego. When lit by spiritual knowledge, the vaasanas get slowly exhausted and the ego too finally perishes.
The flame of a lamp always burns upwards.
Similarly we should acquire such knowledge as to take us towards higher ideals.

Whilst lighting the lamp we thus pray Vedic Mantras:
शुभं करोति कल्याणमारोग्यं धनसंपदा ।
शत्रुबुद्धिविनाशाय दीपज्योतिर्नमोऽस्तुते ॥
(Shubham Karoti Kalyaannam-Aarogyam Dhana-Sampadaa |
Shatru-Buddhi-Vinaashaaya Diipa-Jyotir-Namostute ||)

1: (Salutations to the Light of the Lamp) Which Brings Auspiciousness, Health and Prosperity,
2: Which Destroys Inimical Feelings; Salutations to the Light of the Lamp.


दीपज्योतिः परब्रह्म दीपज्योतिर्जनार्दनः ।
दीपो हरतु मे पापं दीपज्योतिर्नमोऽस्तुते ॥
(Diipa-Jyotih Para-Brahma Diipa-Jyotir-Janaardanah |
Diipo Haratu Me Paapam Diipa-Jyotir-Namostute ||)

1: (Salutations to the Light of the Lamp) The Light of the Lamp represents the Supreme Brahman, the Light of the Lamp represents Janardhana (Sri Vishnu),
2: Let the Light of the Lamp Remove My Sins; Salutations to the Light of the Lamp.
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih....
Om Peace Peace Peace...


Not new... But reading again in this time in India.. (wont explain anx u could very well unless u are not a....... )... it makes sense..

Keep posting.. I voted it..

I find other cultures ways very interesting ... I don't hold to this belief but I found this information very interesting... Thanks for posting ! When one don't travel the world insights like this are awesome ways to learn ...

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