Don't Feed The Troll

in #peace6 years ago

London Trump Visit July 12 2018 Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey (10)

I'm speaking to friends in North and Central London who are feeling like they've been invaded. Several of these Ospreys are regularly flying around - they're big, threatening and noisy. This is real-life trolling on a governmental scale.

It says so much - we are here and we own you to the extent that we can dominate your senses and trigger all the fears embedded from years of Hollywood movies. If you don't hear "Ride of the Valkyries" when you see and hear 'copters like this, you've been culturally disengaged for the last thirty years.

We are not at war, we have not been invaded or occupied. The President of the US is visiting and will soon be gone again. He's noisy, immature and reckless. His presence is disturbing, but his weakness is that we know that it is designed to disturb, we shall overcome. This too shall pass.

In the meantime, what to do? Stand and speak for unity, love and peace. Hold each other a little tighter and continue to do as we would be done by. And maybe get some ear plugs :)

Picture Credit: David Holt on Flickr CC-BY


Those who work on separation and discrimination acquire more enemies, they know that fact. They no longer feel insecure and want more security forces to sooth their anxiety.

Flew right over my garden.

Is he here then @lloyddavis? I heard a rumour he was coming but nothing since. 😁

Don't Turn On The News!!!! :D

Not much chance of that @lloyddavis. 😁

And we can't apologize enough. But thanks to all of London for the balloon and any other ways you have shown him disdain. I applaud you all!

We all have opinions and we’ll you know what they say about that, but as far as President Trump goes, He is turning the establishment and corrupt politicians upside down.
He makes sense when you hear him talk about fairness, He made promises when he ran and said what he was going to do.
He has been keeping those promises.
Not like all these other so called establishment cronies that get your vote and forget about you.
May room over the party of Brexit and now is trying a soft exit, continued trade and being under the EU. That’s not what the people voted for.
I’m not for open borders, its created unsafe zones and many acts of violence, which immigrants have been taking over the law of the land.
Muslims even have been allowed to be under a sharia law, and judged under their rules, not local government.
Open borders means no country, Europe is finding many problems because of it.
Anyway just my thoughts, but I do support President Trump, and his business attitude to get the job down be and call out those who are manipulating the system.

You won't be surprised to hear I disagree with a lot of this.

Mostly the opposition to openness - attributing "many acts of violence" to openness between European states is a mistake in my view - your bio says you're in Tampa, do you want ID checks if you choose to drive over the state line to Georgia or Alabama?

They will if I cross the borders of Mexico or Canada, also yes they do have “check points” to verify your licenses and who you are, which actually is against out bill of rights and Amenbdments, but I do understand what you are saying.
We just see things differently, and one is open borders, what is not being said is the sad story of taking these children and using them for sex slaves and promoting them to gangs.
I have many reservations because they are not telling the true story.
You seem intelligent just by reading your post in that you write without throwing out hatred but a good debate about differences.
That’s what we need more than anything, good debates and not hatred and violence.
Have a great day.

British ports have border control, so abuse here has nothing to do with open borders.

The vast majority of children here are safe, but sadly vulnerable children that live in certain cities have been groomed and abused.

Vulnerable children are at risk no matter which country they live in, and negative news from abroad is always hyped in the US. The "taken" thing is ridiculous, and five, or so, years ago there wasn't a viral epidemic in the UK that was being hushed up!

You guys are constantly brainwashed into thinking that the rest of the world is scary. Personally, I think that the US is one of the scariest places in the world right now just because of the legal and prison system.

As for Sharia law, in the UK it only applies to some mortgages and halal meat; for everything else UK law applies.

Oh yes, I was aware of these yesterday over Limehouse, they were very noisy. I hadn't twigged the connection. Best to do what Londoners do so well: get on with everyday life.

I really thought the decommissioned the Osprey's after that string of crashes several years ago. Shows how much I pay attention I guess. We have warthogs(tank killers) that fly over the town I work in every now and then. We also get the occasional transport chopper.

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