Don't we all need a bit more Peace?

in #peace7 years ago

In this world of hustle and bustle, we could all learn from the Exemplar.

As a follow up to the series I ran leading up to Christmas here is one for Easter.

More than 2,000 years after Isaiah called Him the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ is still our key to peace. This year, in the week leading up to Easter, focus on one of eight principles to honor Him and find His peace in your life.

get started here


Now, my country needs peace.... like never more! We are looking forward to when the war will end and our people will no longer die, and you won't be afraid that your children and husband will be called to war....

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Appreciate the oppportunity to think on these things @gavvet.

If one may add to the dialogue....

For you see, God loved the world so much, that He sent His uniquely born Son that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3.16 from the original Greek language of the New Testament.

Jesus said...I am the resurection and life, no man cometh to the Father, but by Me.

Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.

Wishing you and yours a Happy Easter. Cheers.

So true.. We do need more peace but every day seems to be getting worse right throughout the world and no governments really take any action

I'm not sure that everyone needs more peace. Only people who are busy with their minds need it.

Right or wrong, people who're mostly unattached to their thoughts or the conditions of their surroundings, are mostly at peace, assuming that they aren't suffering from painful physical conditions, but even this can be overcome by dissociation.

Some of the most peaceful people, the average person might consider to be mentally insane/ unstable, and perhaps many, or even all of them, are, but one thing is for certain, they're experience of life is far more enjoyable than it is for that "average person". They're content, as they have no search to endure or desire to quench. This is the description of fearlessness or "true (psychological) freedom" - no "ruler" (authority) to fear and no wants (desires) to be threatened by - it is, in fact, "resting in peace".

Of course, it's also to fully lose one's mind - release of identity from a unique personality and mental habits, so as not to be ruled by a sense of personal responsibility (the sense of "doership", or "freewill", and the arising sense of guilt from outward/ inward focused judgments) or anxiety about the future.

Before Easter we need gratitude heavenly Father for this undeserved grace we have received in Christ! Thank you for your post!

Hello my friend

I wish peace to all ... the best kind of peace when man is in a state of inner peace with himself

Your faith gives me hope. The Christ will soon return. Thank you.

Christ is with us, already, IMO.

Look at your avatar. He points to the heart. Everyone has a heart/ soul. He's giving you the answer right there.

What we all need, we already have, inside ourselves, in our own souls.

That is truth! thank you!

Truth is, most people are only Sunday worshipers. If they truly apply during the week what they learn on Sundays, and set better examples to their families, the world would be a better place. Some are all about the show and to impress. Knowledge means nothing if it is not followed up by action.

Amen. Jesus is Lord!

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