Secret Peace Deal Leaked!

in #peace-deal6 years ago


The Palestinian Authority said on Wednesday that "any peace plan that does not include an independent Palestinian state - with all of East Jerusalem as its capital - on the 1967 borders, is destined to fail."

The PA was responding to a report on Channel 13 News that claimed that US President Donald Trump's "deal of the century" will include a Palestinian state on 85% - 90% of the West Bank and some parts of east Jerusalem.

Nabil Abu Rudaineh, spokesman for the PA presidency in Ramallah, said that the "rumors and leaks about the deal of the century, as well as ongoing attempts to find regional and international parties that would cooperate with this plan, are failed attempts that will reach a dead end."

It appears as though a section of the so-called "Deal of the Century" has been leaked out by someone who has worked on it personally although no names are being mentioned. The above statement is Abbas's reaction to hearing parts of the deal. More than likely President Trump will hear about this and make revisions in the deal. Neither the U.S. or Israel is confirming that what has been leaked so far is actually in the deal. It is pretty safe to say though that this deal will divide Israel. We all know what has happened to countries that wish to divide the Lord's land. We will just have to wait and see what the future holds. Write your comments below.

This article was originally written by @mharr331

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Israel is to remain intact. If its borders are reduced you shall know my anger. - Lord RayEl

This will be interesting if they go through with this.

I said it first that the peace plan had to include dividing Jerusalem in order for Zechariah 14 to unfold on a legal premise.

This will have repercussions!

Sounds like they're ready for war!

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