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RE: Pocket Change Peculiarities: Curious Coinage

in #pcp6 years ago

My father had this huge water cooler jug, one of the old school ones made of glass. It was about half filled with pennies that he would throw in there whenever he got too many in is pocket. His silver coins he would throw in a cigar box and roll up and cash them in whenever it filled up, only keeping the rare, old or valuable coins. My brother and I decided to dump all the pennies out and sift through them at one point and we found that there were some really old rare pennies in there. At least ten of them were from the mid to late 1800s and several dozen were wheat pennies. When he was younger he would junk cars for extra cash and you always find old change under the seats when you junk cars. All of that stuff went into the jar or the box, so I'm assuming that's why he had so many old rare ones. He also had a few real silver dollars. I remember they were enormous in size compared to the dollar coins that have been minted more recently. Thanks for reminding me of that. I had forgotten about it.


I have occasionally remembered to ask whether the cupronickel Eisenhower dollars are availabke at the bank, and I have gotten a few that way. They are about the same size as the old Peace and Morgan silver dollars

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