PCHAIN Crowd Sale Statement

in #pchain6 years ago (edited)

Dear community members,

Thanks to the massive support from the leading venture firms and professional institutions, the private and pre-sale has been a great success and PCHAIN project has achieved significant development. Now the crowd sale is coming, time to reward our fans who has been supporting our communities!

The crowd sale of PCHAIN will start at 10:00am GMT, Monday, May 28th 2018. (eg.: 18:00 in Singapore, 14:00 in Dubai, 12:00pm in Germany).

Countdown timer: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20180528T18&p0=236&msg=PCHAIN+CROWDSALE&font=sanserif

Crowd sale plan:
A total of 50,000,000 PCHAIN Token will be available for crowd sale, raising up to 5000 ETH by ratio 1 ETH = 10,000 PCHAIN Token. Minimum purchase 0.1 ETH.

Within the initial 2 hours of crowd sale, the maximum personal cap is 0.4 ETH.

If all 50,000,000 PCHAIN Token are sold out within 2 hours, the crowd sale will end.

If all 50,000,000 PCHAIN Token are not sold out within 2 hours, the maximum personal cap increases up to 10 ETH (eg.: if you have purchased 0,4 ETH in the initial 2 hours, and the Tokens are not sold out, there is a chance that you can continue to purchase more Tokens up to a value of 9.6 ETH).

Gas setup (for both rounds):
Gas price: max 60 gwei.
Gas limit: min 120000. (200000 recommended).

How to check how many Tokens left?
The Etherscan URL will be published, so that everybody can see the raising process in real time.

Important reminder:

  • Our whitlist has been examined by our lawyer, they are legally qualified.
  • If you are not on the whitelist, do not participate in our crowd sale. Otherwise we will confiscate the PCHAIN Token you get and NEVER refund your ETH. Furthermore, you shall be investigated for legal responsibility.
  • We have added the function of recall tokens to the smart contract. Please don't take any chances!
  • Do not send more ETH than allowed, this will be rejected by smart contract automatically and transactions will not be done.
  • To check if you are whitelisted, login at pchain.org and if you see “ Congratulations! You passed KYC = You are whitelisted” and your ETH address, means you are on our whitelist and you can participate.

As you notice, the allocation for crowd sale has been adjusted and it seems small. Three reasons as below:
i) Token quota was over booked during presale by firms and institutions.
ii) Uncertainty of future policies against crowd sale. Although we’ve done a lot of frame work on achieving compliance, but legal risks still exist.
iii) A large number of whitelisted crowd sale participators.

Join PCHAIN’s ever growing community at the following links:
Telegram: https://t.me/pchain_org
Telegram(Chinese Community): https://t.me/pchain_CN
Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/pchain_org_ann
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pchain_org
Founder/CEO’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeff_fengcao

Thanks for your understanding and continuous support for PCHAIN!



@pchain, I gave you an upvote on your first post! Please give me a follow and I will give you a follow in return!

Please also take a moment to read this post regarding bad behavior on Steemit.

Good news who are in whitelist! Crowd sale of PCHAIN begin soon! Good luck every body!

I am really disappointed with @pchain_org - they announced that the individual cap was guaranteed during the first 2 hours for whitelisted people. That was a lie. I was whitelisted and couldn't contribute since they reached their cap.

Nothing surprising, as in all good and hyip ICO kapa is recruited in the first 3-4 minutes, for example merculet, egretia and other worthy startups. Good luck in future ICO!

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