Putting yourself out there for a chance to win.

in #payitforward6 years ago

The Steemit community, a platform where individuals come together towards a common goal, to grow. Individually as a person, jointly as a group, the end goal is the same, to succeed, one and all.

Life is about enjoying the journey no matter the destination

I happened upon the contest of @mountainjewel, and in response to the opportunity of the reward I said

This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone, especially newbies, to become immersed within the system and stretch themselves to achieve the success they seek through effort and commitment

I speak neither big words nor speak with a technically proficient mind. I just am, and I am here.

With my vivid blue eyes, I scan the pages of the Steemit community, in search of insightful, informative and creative posts. I seek information, example, knowledge and guidance.

Reading fervently, I search for a space where I will fit in and where I can lend my voice, hoping I will be heard amongst a world of proficiently intelligent comrades, their song already sung; a song whose echo has already captured the ears of the gods above.

Where is my place in this great new world? What shall be my efforts to garner a reward? Will I build a following? Will people like what I have to say? How will I get where I need to go? Has what I say will have been heard before? How will I stand out?

No one ever said the path to greatness would be easy

This has never been more apparent to me than on this new journey of which I find myself.

My time on Steemit has been short. I lack experience. I am still learning; trying to figure out the ins and outs, the do’s and don’ts and to understand the bits and bobs.

I would say to the casual observer, please, do not let my innocence and inexperience dull your view of a potential gem.

In view of these observations, I cannot make promises I may not be able to keep. What I can promise you is that I am confident that since starting on this journey, I have already shown quality of content in a variety of subjects of interest to a wide range of the population. With a touch of humour and wit, I have shared personal experiences and skills. I comment and reply with gratitude and passion. I have belly-flopped into the pool of contests and I can barely swim (true fact). And there is more to come, because I have more to give, and with time, ability and a helping hand, anything is possible.

A chess board is not made up of kings alone, there are queens, rooks, bishops, knights and pawns. Each has their part to play in the game; each figure bearing their own area of expertise in which they excel and of which they make the game exciting. But when the game starts to lose each figure, it dwindles and falters and comes to an end. Let us not lose one for the sake of another. All figures play a part in the end game, all are important and needed, let us keep the game strong. I may currently only be a pawn in the game of Steem, but I too can reach the other side.

photo © Heather Johnsgaard
There is a fine need to practice balance, for without balance the scales will topple. Without quality posts there would be no reason for people to come. Without comments there would be no incentive for people to write. Without support and guidance, there would be no skill. Without skill there would be no teachers. There cannot be one without the other. For every yin there must be a yang. Therefore, I will practice balance.

@mountainjewel This is what I have to offer, and I thank you for this opportunity.


See my needle arts

See my artsy endeavours

Purchase my colouring book pages


Love your stacked stones, the mother figure comes through. :))

Nice post, hope you win. :))

I just love round rocks and these seemed to fit together perfectly.

It sure would be fun to win, but the other entries are great and each deserving of the prize, but thank you.

Thanks for visiting @goldenoakfarm

Thank you for your poetic and sincere exploration of steem and your role here. I really value what you said here:

With a touch of humour and wit, I have shared personal experiences and skills. I comment and reply with gratitude and passion.

It is so important simply to try and engage and to allow ourselves to enter into the board. Steem is a very special community and I’m happy you’ve made your way here! Thanks for your entry!! 🙌🏼💙

Thank you for the opportunity.

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