
Hi @thedarkhorse, it seems the next stage of of my development is upon us...

How did you find the original material or what process do you follow? I follow the same process before hand, to avoid such a mistake...

Shall I replace that candidate with some else?

If you are willing to find a new one that is great and will increase your chances of winning a judges choice (again...hint hint, check the post that will hit in 90 minutes).

Guess more of these I look at there are some that just read to professional. This was one of them. The words used are not fitting for the average person's speech pattern. When this happens I cut and paste 1 sentence into google with quotes around it. This will then give an exact match if there are any.

Now some of these plagiarizers have gotten smart and use software to hide that they are stealing content. This software is a content spinner. So it will take words and use a thesaurus to make it so a simple match search won't work. BUT if you read these it's normally pretty obvious as the flow makes no sense at all. These are much harder to find the original source, but once you see a couple spun articles it's pretty obvious when you see another.

Now photos and stuff get harder, but you can sometimes catch them with google also. If you right click on an image you can "Copy Image Location". If you go to Google Image Search you can search by image and one option is to give the image location.

This search is good if it's pretty distinct, but maybe at best it proves it for 20% of the ones I search. Now when I start to wonder about photos is when they are really good yet the poster doesn't tell me anything about how they took the photos. Great photos are art and the artist tells us about taking them most of the time. The details about the lens, shutter speed and so forth are all things a shutterbug loves to share.

Now I'm thinking this needs to be my next post. Will likely pull this comment and clean it up. Will include some screen shots that might make some of this more clear.

Thank-you this info was extremely useful, and creating a post from it will be magic!

I think I need to create a small checklist too, so I don't miss steps in the process and little details.

OK - let me find a replacement candidate and work on the checklist.

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