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RE: Win 100 to 10,000 SP Delegation for a Week or More in My Witness Pay-It-Forward Initiative

in #payitforward6 years ago (edited)

Dear @krnel,

I would like to nominate @brisby. She is a fellow Freewriter I met when @mariannewest started the daily Freewrite prompt over 176 days ago.

The Freewrite community has grown into a loving, happy place and now has their own Blog @freewritehouse.

With the growth of any community, it needs people to help it grow. This is where @Brisby comes in. She helps organize all the other helpers to make the Freewrite community the place to be. She delivers prompts, helps organize the other prompt delivery helpers by making spreadsheets, answering any questions they might have and all in all be the wonderful giving person she is. She keeps things running as smooth as she can. She is always there to jump in to help in any way she can.

She reads all freewrite stories (@brisby says she doesn't read let's compromise and say she reads 90% of ALL the Freewriter stories), comments on all Freewrite posts. Making the Freewrite community the place to be for new Steemians.

She is not at 500 SP yet. She votes as much as she can on all the post she reads. The Freewrite Community is filled with a lot of new red fish Steemians. Somedays @brisby is the only one to stop and vote on their story but sometimes, many times that one vote and comment gives a person hope and they write again and again. In the end, they too become a driving force in the Steemit community all because of comments @brisby has left.

This might sound a bit too good to be true but I assure you it is not. If not for @brisby and people like her I would have never stayed on Steemit. When you are new here sometimes all it takes is that one person to show you encouragement which in turns gives you hope that in time you might get your posts read and make something of yourself here on Steemit.

Thank you for listening and I hope you do consider @brisby. You would be helping more people by delegating to her then you could ever imagine.

~@snook revised 1:31 pm CST to hit the 250-word requirement.....


I couldn't agree with this nomination more. @brisby routinely uses up too much of her voting power because she wants to support everyone. Nobody offers more encouragement to the freewrite community than she does and she never expects anything in return. This is a lovely gesture @snook! And good luck @brisby!

Thank you, Omra! You have brought such a smile to my face (especially since I've not followed someones advice about watching my voting power...)! 💜👊 And thank you again, for setting up the @Steemkeepers page and all of the support that you've given to the Freewrite Community!

Snook, thank you! (You had me blushing brighter than warning beacon reading what you wrote!) You are an absolute sweetheart for nominating me for the delegation when there are many who do so much within our group! 😘 Thank you for saying so many wonderful things and for being you! 🤗 From the start, you've been one of the driving forces in showing your love for the group!

I agree wholeheartedly about our Freewriting Community being filled with fantastic and giving people and now we're able to come together even more to support each other and anyone who just wants to come in and have some fun in the @Freewritehouse!

hehehehe poor @brisby you just proved why you would get the delegation for all to see. You went through each comment and pointed out what everyone else does and never said a thing about yourself.

Like how much time you spend making sure everyone feels wanted and needed and not forgotten, so much so that you don't always have time to write your own posts which is why you are not at 500 SP yet. Again another selfless act you do without thinking or caring about yourself.

Yes, it does take a Villiage and we have all done as you have said in your comments but sometimes @brisby it's time for great things to maybe happen to you too. That would be up to @krnel to decide though.

As you always do you think of others and never yourself. So do me a big favor and think of it as a lottery ticket and let yourself dream for a night on all the good you would do if you even got a 500 delegation to use for a week. How happy you could make all the people you come into to contact with.

You work full time and are a Mom of 2 beautiful girls and are always giving. Let someone try and give you a gift and try and not feel guilty about it, please.

It's okay for good things to happen to you too.

Love You my wonderful , sweet, always thinking of others, beautiful friend!

You've turned me into a puddle of thankful goo here, Snook! Love you, seriously. Hugs!!!

Love You!

@brisby is a hard working curator and encourager who spends a lot of time trying to make Steemit the kind of community that we all want for it to be. If I were going away for a while and was looking for a community minded person to use my SP to help fellow Steemians and work to improve the image Of Steemit and build lifetime relationships, then I could find no better or more deserving choice than @brisby.

Thank you, Deacon! The level of respect in what you wrote means so much to me! 💙 I'm grateful to have found a friend like you here! You've been there all along as well, commenting and supporting so many writers as they join the group so, another huge thanks to you!!

Yes! Excellent idea, @snook! @brisby brings so much happiness, positivity and encouragement to the freewriting community (a group of people racking their brains and bringing awesome, original content to Steemit) <3 She really deserves such a delegation, I've seen few people on here who work as hard as @brisby!

Honeydue, thank you! You've been so terrific in helping out the freewriting community with the time you take to make deliveries and your comments! I truly appreciate how much time this takes and am so grateful to be able to work with you! 🤗 You're right, our group is awesome!

Owwww @brisby, you're too sweet! <3 I feel grateful, too, to be welcomed into such a lovely family!

YES! @brisby has the kind of genuine, encouracing comments and interactions that make me feel appreciated and "Heard" through my posts. It is truly awesome. I've also seen her comments on others and know that she looks for ways to encourage everyone on a regular basis!

Thank you, Byn! You're making me get all sappy here... You are a hardworking badass lady who deserves so much good in this life! Thank you for how much you've supported the freewriters as well, with encouragements, prompt deliveries, your @Freewritehouse Favorites posts, and more. And your comments? You have been there for so many when they need an understanding reader. You've not been one to shy away from uncomfortable themes and your responses are so real and true to who you are!💓

brisby is fantastic and cares so much about everyone she comes in contact with. So deserving!!!

This from the woman who I'm CERTAIN doesn't sleep. 😁 Thank you so much, Marianne! Your daily exercise has grown into this wonderful group and the HUGE amount of effort that you've put into, I'm just going to say EVERYTHING in the freewrite here, is immeasurable! 💗

I also want to nominate @brisby for this delegation. She tirelessly curates, votes and comments on her fellow Steemian's posts. She always leaves a thoughtful comment and brings encouragement wherever she lands.

Brisby lends a lot of her time to the freewrite group by assisting with the organization and execution of the new freewritehouse page and the whole Steemit community benefits as new writers are encouraged by her comments, votes and support.

Janelle, thank you! You've done so much in supporting the Freewriters that I can't properly list all of it! You nominated @mariannewest for a delegation so that she could pass it on to all of the struggling writers, you give fantastic advice and commentary to what others have written (encouraging people to add more to their stories and to keep on writing), you've helped so many with sharing your struggles and triumphs, writing for the Freewrite House, and more. It took all of us together to come as far as we have and YOU have always been one of the backbones in our community!

@brisby your sweet comment touches my heart deeply. I love this community we have all worked as a team to build. I saw how far reaching @mariannewest vision could be and it is! There is so much talent and selflessness within the freewriters. I am truly humbled by your support, thank you. hugs!

Wonderful idea, @snook, @brisby is that type of person that actually cares for the community, someone who can be trusted to do something good with some added SP!

You know, I just realized that I never told you how much I like your avatar! I am touched to have your trust Marie-Jay! Thank you for donating your time to helping encourage everyone in our freewriting community! 💕

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