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RE: Entry for the Pay-it-Forward Curation Contest - Week 30

in #payitforward6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for stopping by @matkodurko and supporting my post. I really appreciate it!

”Wow u gave urself some work with this entry. Nice formatting :)“

I do put effort into my work, so grateful you noticed it.

”I guess we all know it's hard to break thru here on steemit with plain writing.“

Yep, written about it a lot, particularly in “The Challenge” section of an earlier post.

”That it triggers creativity in us, even tho we don't really manage to get big payouts from the posts . “

Absolutely agree. That creative spark is a big deal! It has certainly surprised me, even though I haven’t accomplished all that much “in here,” how much I enjoy writing. Didn’t expect that! 😊

Your profile says you are ”introvert living the life of extrovert”, so perhaps we have something in common there. I think for me communicating in writing is something which suits me better, although I can certainly communicate verbally, as needed … 😉

Thanks again for stopping by @matkodurko. And I especially appreciate you supporting these two Steemians! 👍

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