
I'm so glad I got you to do this. It's an awesome initiative and I know what a pure heart you have. Thanks for supporting this (and me). I have visited commented and upvoted each of the three authors.

I have visited commented and upvoted each of the three authors.

Thank you, and thanks for showing me this awesome project. I am hopeful it will continue, although if it doesn't maybe I will continue it without all the prizes (being a poor Steemian as I am, lol).

We will keep it rolling. 😂

Thank you for your entry to the contest. I have visited, upvoted and left a comment on all of the featured bloggers.

Thank you for making this effort. It is refreshing to find others who understand the sites growth is dependent on real interaction and not bot votes and delegating SP out for sale.

Exactly correct. Without real people steemit doesn't have an audience for all those paid services to market to.

Hope that we can keep this going and growing. If enough of us small fish work together we can help shape the future of steemit for the better. Big dreams can only be achieved with many small actions.

Thank you for your kind words! Your post is quite a welcome as I find my legs here in steemit.

I have a feeling you will build that foundation you have started and go far as you gain momentum. You share openly, with an ability to bring the reader into your mindset and emotions. In the process you expose your heart which has good will in it, which lends a nobility to your observations and experiences.

This is all about building connections with others. The hard part is making those connections initially. I have found what has been working best for me is commenting on others posts that interests me, as well as on comments on those posts. It has made being discovered by others so much simpler than pouring my heart out and then it disappears into oblivion within 30 seconds on the new posts feed.

I look forward to reading your future posts, as well as going back and perusing your previous ones.

Very good idea. New users need a helping hand and most of us rarely find the time to do this. I've tried to make it a habit of visiting random blogs and... failed. I did look at those you mentioned, though.

Thank you so much. I remember how big it was for me when another did this for me, and honestly I was shocked I could only find 2 people still posting from when I started that were below 50. Most just stopped logging in.

One of the things about this contest/challenge is that it is no longer random blog visit, the ones being featured have all been...sort of...curied... by the participants. We all have different taste, but we are offering a small 3 course meal so to speak to each other of our favorite foods of the week..sort of..Sorry not a good explanation I know. I generally do better than that. But if you ever want to find a semi new user to lend a helping hand, the Pay It Forward participants are her to provide suitable candidates.

Many come here and don't know how the platform works- or maybe have different expectations. The ones who stay seem to really love it though...

There is a lot of misinformation on YouTube (a lot of it from some of the bot owning witnesses) who make it appear that it is easy to post something of value and hundreds of dollars comes rolling in. Many of the videos there fail to mention that the votes were bought, basically handing the bot owner some money to hand back to you, lol.

I have dabbled with self publishing, making my living almost solely from it last year. Based on the misconceptions I had when I got here, I posted some how to material that could have made me some decent money in residuals over the next few years and was met with crickets. Then I began seeing the bickering between power players, some shilling for EOS and I almost left.

But, in the midst of this confusion I had begun connecting with people and discovering many acts of kindness, such as you do with your freewrite. While I hope to one day build wealth from my activities here, I made up my mind that wasn't the reason to stay so I made peace with the illusion that first brought me here.

I am glad that you made peace with it and that you are still here. What kind of writing are you doing in the wide, wide world out there - and maybe we can entice you to join us in the freewrite to warm up :)

Before I answer, I wanted to thank you for all of the upvotes. I also want you to feel free not to upvote a continuing exchange between us. I know how quickly voting power gets used up and as much as you spread yourself here they must go even quicker than mine (I logged in tonight at almost 100% and am down to 76.3% and could leave more if I don't quit reading blogs, lol).

What kind of writing are you doing in the wide, wide world out there

I started off doing how to books, but after my initial one the rest really didn't do much. In the groups I belonged in, along with blogs I was reading I was convinced to branch into fiction, which I would never have done had I not done the how to books. Not just any fiction, erotica fiction. The stories were shorter, the need for proper mechanics not as crucial as the audience is more forgiving (and I came to determine many of the readers were possibly more ignorant than I regarding English mechanics, lol). I won't claim any of my pen names though publicly. Early last year I was so burnt out from the constant churn I just couldn't write anymore. I was basically writing the same thing again and again, simply changing the lead up.

They were right, there was money in it. Off of royalties I almost hit 20k last hear, and still make a few hundred a month now from them. I am almost ready to write again, although the idea of writing a novel and the outlay for a professional editor, artist for the cover and all the promotion jazz that goes along with it probably helps me dragging my feet on starting it.

I am more of a pantser, although I did experiment with loose plot lines at times I delved a little longer than my norm. Which wasn't often as in erotica I found the longer the story line the worse it sold. But when I get to writing the story, it flows from me. It's almost like I am not writing it, the characters are writing it. I had one series I did, each a novella. It took off pretty good, but then I made a crucial mistake and changed the story line midway through the series and got crucified in the reviews for it. I learned to respect the readers with that blunder.

Sorry for rambling so much, I can jabber jaw along with the best of them. I do plan on participating in the freewrite soon, and appreciate so much that you do this for us.

First, I totally know what you are saying about voting power and I will refrain from voting when my VP is down - but I wanted to 🤓

I so wish I could write erotica! It sells well!! I used to dabble in trying to write Romance and the more explicit ones sold better and are way less work than, for example, a historical romance where you have to get all the facts right :)

And I can see how it gets boring to write the same all over again. I know that many of the romances, for example, are very formulaic. And you are right, the readers do not like it when it changes lol

Do you listen to the podcast with Joanne Penn? I love it and she has lots of tips for the self-publishing crowd.

Looking forward to you joining the freewriters. And if you have time, enter the contest at the @freewritehouse .

I came across Joanne early on, but focused more on romance/erotica groups. If you are on Facebook (I gave mine up) I cant recommend enough a group called 20 books to 50K. It is run by Michael Anderle who is a genius when it comes to self publishing. Many laughed at his presumptuous statements when he first posted on Kboards, and he not only hot his goals, he shattered them.

I pretty much have given up on FaceBook as well. Just go there for specific groups and not very often. but I will keep that in mind when and if my time comes to actually go for a book.

Btw. I just learned something new. If we vote on anything and the total $ on the vote stays under $ 0.03 it gets rounded down to zero. didn't know that and certainly need to adjust my voting habits from here on out. I have wasted a lot of my votes that way.

The posts I have read on this are saying it is if they are below .02. But am sure everyone will be pleased with .03 more than .02, lol. I just did something I was sure I would never do, and used the little SD I had to lease SP to bump me up to .02. Hopefully by the time it expires I will be past .02.

I enjoyed my foray through your pics, I liked them all and loved the last one and her "Dark Soul" post @mynameisjenn. I read through the comments, a couple of people you may be interested in;

@dreemit, an Author also, and in the process of having one of her books published, I loved her Reborn and Renewal stories and waiting on number 3. - Author - In the process of editing and preparing a book to be published "Cobalt Nights" - She show her process for editing, and runs a mentorship for budding writers.

Thank you for looking at the entries, as well as the recommendations.

This is a great idea, in fact, I know very little about this platform and how it works, I just know that I want to be myself and, in turn, share a little of what I love doing, which is writing, @practicalthought thank you very much

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