
@headchange and @friendly-fenix I think this really should be stressed to people:

"The people who support us on a regular basis are far more likely to continue doing so if they are growing themselves."

Don't think any of us that try hard to support the smaller members are being greedy in the fact that we like to see growth in our accounts too. We all have invested cash money into our accounts typically and if profits were our only goal we'd be leasing our SP, but clearly at the end of the day we need to see some growth.

Like right now I'm pushing for level 60 and really hoping that in a couple posts I'll hit that number. So right now as I'm trying to get up there I see myself watching those who are support me a little more. Just like when I was on a push to hit 1000sp owned, also watched the voting habits of others at that point too.

Long term this is all an investment to me. But while it's an investment I love that it's one that can be used to support others in their growth and hopefully make a few lives better along the way.

You nailed it with the last sentence. Long term investment with unique ability to help others.
Where else can I give out money and have it grow back over night? I see a lot of opportunity here to do a lot with no cost to me.
There is a lady in nicaragua right now trying her best to survive a war zone and protect a house full of children. There is a boy who climbs a tree to post on steemit in hopes of earning a few cents for this family. There is a lady who uses her payouts to feed her children dinner. Everyone knows that children in venezuela need some shoes as well as other hard to come by supplies.
Knowing these things and having the advantages I enjoy in life I feel a sense of responsibility.
If I can grow enough I will be able to give larger votes to help many who really need the help.
At the same time the people on the next rung up have to prosper in order for my own growth to be sustainable over time.
My small delegation is about to end putting my voting frequency temporarily on restriction.
I have to build myself in order to build anyone else. We would all grow much more quickly if everyone becomes aware of who is pulling us up and gives those people a bit of a push.
Friendly felix is the first person to ever reciprocate my tiny little 15sp votes.
That made such an impression on me that I remembered the account through an absence of several months.
So yeah everything you say makes sense. It pays to pay attention to the votes incoming as well as outgoing.
Sorry went in to a free write ramble but will just leave it here in case it makes sense to someone at some point.

"I have to build myself in order to build anyone else."

You must put your oxygen mask on first and then help those around you. This is something you will hear anytime you fly as you can't help others if you pass out from lack of oxygen. Really no different here. You can't give away everything while you are small or you will never grow to a size that allows you to really have an impact.


Great I am glad to hear that you have such a positive attitude about the whole "steemit-game". This is an investment for many people even the smaller fish, 1000 SP is a lot for the average steemit-user in an unbanked region/country...

Cheers and thanks for your input!


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