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RE: My Entry for Pay It Forward Curation contest - Week 27

in #payitforward6 years ago

Don't worry about my featured bloggers.. you still have 5 days to support them 😉 well.. I don't think everything come from the books is true, if the authors are human 😅 you know can manipulate other people through their knowledge. That's why I believe that human has a free will.. to choose and think about everything they want.

Yeap... think before you create a post is a way to take responsibility of your thoughts later☺ we have been gifted with the most complete and complicated thing called Brain so.. why not optimize its function😅 including to think critical, IMO


I just supported both of your feature bloggers. This is very good choices. Sadly I do not drink beer but it looks good. For another author I think we should read more books. But In myanmar this habit is gonna vanish.

I don't drink beer too 😉 I just like the way he review the beer and its pictures 😀 I think there's many way to pick the right article for us, but for me.. as long as the post add some value to this platform, original and the author willing to engage with the other.. I'd suppory them.

Well.. read more doesn't mean we have to buy more books 😉 I think we'd better read what we like without buying it, go to the library or the book store every week to read the book we like or.. collect the free e-book and I think steemit also a big library😉 many great authors already here on this platform too.

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