My Paying It Forward Moment (True Story)

in #pay-forward7 years ago (edited)

It is that time of year, when my clients leave a bonus for us. One leaves it in check form, so I can take it to my bank, cash it out, and distribute between coworkers. I was quite happy upon seeing the amount she was giving.

After an hour into the work, I thought about the person I was working with. She is a single mom, with 5 kids. I am a single mom, with one kid. Without much more thought, I told her put out her hands, (in which she was leery, as I am a prankster), and asked what I was going to do. I had my hand behind my back, so she didn't see what I had in it.

I put the check in her hand. She opened up the check, and said "no, this isn't right". I replied that it was right and that she has more kids than I do. Also told her that I wanted her to have it. It was my way of paying it forward, and that some day, she would be able to do that too. She tried very hard not to cry, and kept fanning her face. She gave me the biggest hug ever. As we were done at the end of our day, she asked what kind of coffee I would like. (She will buy it for me in the morning). It was the only thing she could talk me into, allowing her to do, lol.


As much as I could really use the money, (was a $200 check between she and I), I felt it was the right thing to do. I have never been one to ask for help, or money. I like the feeling it gives, to help someone else, even if I struggle.
I can't wait to hear how her kids react, to whatever she buys them.

photo from pixabay


I bet she really really appreciated what you did! How nice, and in the spirit of the Season! <3

Indeed she did. She must have commented about 4-5 times, on giving me some of it. When I talked about the pay it forward, she withdrew trying. That was when she asked what kind of coffee I'd like, and that she will buy it for me in the morning. Thank you for the comment :-) Just wish my upvotes were worth more :-(

And yes I know, someday I will be able to pay more than a penny. I just feel bad.

So glad to read this Sis, I have been playing Pay It Forward for about 5 years now. All the stories I could tell, Maybe I will soon. We average about once a month to random unexpected folks. To tell you the truth from I get more appreciation for the little things from complete strangers than We do compared to when I give to family members who ignores me and can't even say Thanks.

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