Pockets of the Future Paul Romano Review

in #paulromano6 years ago

Sometimes I post clips from Pockets of the Future aka Paul Romano. If he’s saying something that I’d like to say, I’d rather just post someone else saying it to bring a multiplicity of voices.

I feel a lot of the Truth Community faces the issue that we have been psychologically programmed to have conflicts with each other.

Paul Romano makes really good clickbait celebrity titles for his videos. And then he just sh**s on that person for as long as he feels like it. Most of the time, he has a very valid point. See the video below.

Then he puts on his “heartfullness meditation” hat and he preaches a lot of new age blather. Most of it is mostly True.

He sh**s on Christians but sounds like one when when he feels like talking about demons and Satanism.

He also dumps on the Trumpers but never India or Hinduism. India and Hinduism are always, from what I’ve heard, held as sacred in Romano’s world.

The problem, it seems, is we don’t get Hinduism and India like he does. That’s the vibe I get.

When he’s not doing his spiritual teacher content, Romano does periodic videos where he turns it around on his commenters and turn it around he does!

He’ll go on very passive aggressively how the problem is them. I’ve even heard Romano say that people are attracted to him because he’s so godly but then that godliness challenges the person. I heard him say that’s the real reason why some people who listen to him don’t actually like him. (I think it’s the covert narcissism, the hypocrisy and the passive aggressiveness).

I’m someone who listens to him and for the most part I don’t like him. I’ve been telling myself I’m trying to figure out why he bugs me.

About those negative commenters, Romano has said that he’s very spiritually in touch with himself so he already knows all about his flaws. They’re just telling him what he already knows so nya nya.

My father was a self serving narcissistic guy who loved to spew his new age blather because he could passive aggressively weaponize his “spirituality”.

If I asked for better?

Well, no one’s perfect.

If I complained I was being abused. I was told there’s no right and wrong. He’d tell me I should be more POSITIVE. Any problem I was having was my fault. He said my negative thinking was the real problem in my life.

He could just skate and dance out of anything with his made up self serving religion.

Romano runs a click bait celebrity gossip channel that preaches to the audience about new age spirituality.

He doesn’t really identify who’s doing wrong in this world. It’s just the “controllers”. He won’t talk about the whole gender inversion thing because according to him, “it’s not a slam dunk.” So when an obvious man in a dress fights in the controlled media for “feminism”, Romano just sidesteps the elephant in the room.

Why are men in dresses pretending that they can speak for women? Why are celebrity men in dresses glamorizing abortion?

Men in dresses can speak on behalf of other secretive men in dresses. Since Romano can’t or won’t see that this is happening, you might as well listen to E! Entertainment on matters of “feminism”. To me, it’s just part of the fake divide and conquer agenda they want to force feed to the public. Corroborating this media fiction advances their agenda, not ours.

Romano’s comments are full of people treating him as their guru which is a sad testament that people will follow anyone for suspect reasons.

I’m not sure but I don’t think he’s an actual shill. He might point people in the right direction spiritually because God really is to be found within.

I think what’s bothered me with Romano has been the celebrity gossip/new age preaching/passive aggressive attacks combo of his channel. He can be self deprecating which on some people is a convenient move so you can’t hold them accountable for their hypocrisy and incongruence.

In conclusion, I think Romano’s work does have value. He does call out the Hollywood pedophiles. I also think he’s fighting for the right side. One of my defining traits is that I have perhaps unreasonably high standards which is a blessing and a curse. That’s why I believe Paul Romano irritates me despite the fact that I think he’s mostly ok.


I agree with a lot of what you say. But I can defend him only with this: as with all [lower level] initiates of any esoteric art, he comes off as preachy to those outside of his circle of knowledge. I must stipulate that being outside of this circle isn't a negative thing. What is in his mind is just different from what you have learned, is all. No one is better or worse here, that's not what I'm saying. There's value in all knowledge. Please do not think I'm preaching to you, because I'm not. Perhaps I am simply sharing my insights about him, as someone similar to him.

Paul Romano's heart is in the right place and he has a lot of balance in his being, but there's times he rubs me the wrong way too, especially when he gets a little weird and goofy about 666 and devil things. For example, I know that 666 is the cryptographic representation of NERO meant to send a message to others in the know, and it's a message encoded to tell those back then AND we in the present to look out for "those people like Nero in the apocalypse". Apocalypse means "unmasking" or "revealing" by the by. I think Paul gets this wrong. There's some nuanced and highly delicate differences here that come about by a lot of thought, and Paul for all his big heart and quirky humor, doesn't appear to be someone who contemplates for hours on end.

I mean he does make 50 youtube videos a day. That takes up a lot of time that could be spent in philosophical contemplation.

However he is dead on about the Q people. In that they are completely off their rockers and so desperate for a hero to save them. They have been rendered powerless, truly, by this terrible myth and hero worship. This is a similar phenomena to Guru worship, which you have pointed out in his comments section.

He shows reverence to hinduism in the same way that I do; I recognize that it, as a spiritual tradition overall, with its thousands of different schools, besides the natural distortions of time's passing and linguistic challenges, it is less perverted by those who wish to seek power –more on this in a bit, as hinduism is not completely free of such deliberate perversions. There is built into the Vedantic philosophies a recognition that all sincere paths to God are valid and lead to the same ocean, therefore all paths must be preserved and left untouched for any Sanyasi.

They have even preserved the "lost" teachings and life of St Issa, whom we now know as Jesus, and these preserved texts detail the missing years of his initiation which I believe was deliberately omitted from the bible. His story is beautiful and there's no doubt in my mind after reading both about St Issa and about Jesus in the bible that they are not only one in the same, but he was the most Loving being to ever have walked this earth.

There is indeed a Bramin class-- a "Priest class" if you will, that has occulted information in order to control the masses and live like wealthy gods upon this earth. We see them all around us today, we see them on television, and on the internet. They are in our movies, in our halls of justice, and the most powerful of them are in the shadows, or they give the appearance of being dreadfully boring that we don't pay them any attention.

Some of these Bramin do terrible things in the shadows of society, things of which you are certainly aware. They utilize this occulted knowledge to their advantage, willfully keeping people ignorant while they inflict the world with "black magic", which is a misnomer. All magic is neutral, it is the will behind it that makes it "black" and harmful. And most of the time this "magic" wielded by these perverse and ego driven individuals is a psychological trick and not True magic at all. That is something else, and it is always subtle since it is in the realm of the Subtle alone.

There has also been an occulting of certain information, such as the secrets to the rich wine of Soma, so that it may not intoxicate. Sort of like keeping a gun out of the hands of a very young child before it is capable of proper training, so is the labrynth deliberately built up around such information with the purpose of instructing and ensuring the seeker has the proper disciplines in place before drinking such a potent beverage.

Otherwise, you get the new age "woo-woo" navel-gazing types, and I don't believe I have to tell you that they are annoying. My neighbor is one and I find it difficult to converse with him at all. I usually just smile and nod ;)

Blessings, dear one. May all your days be bright, wholesome, and fearLESS. <3

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