
@29:52 "It goes counter to any law enforcement officer that you'll ever meet to standby and watch someone break the law, clearly break the law and be out touting the fact that they are breaking the law and not do anything about it." Unless of course it's 15 million illegal mexicans that we taxpayers foot the bill for, doing the same damn thing. The bottom line is that they enforce the laws they are told to and ignore other lawbreakers. It is the height of hypocrisy and how these $hit heels lay their head down and sleep at night is beyond me. They simply have no morality. Real easy to see which side is good and which side is evil.

What do think going do of thay kill me. Fbi wittness to a biker killing covering up. Sence 71. Cops try set me up for 25 year now 2 cop been fired. I just about shot 4 years ago too meny pepl around. Cams. That closed the store. 3 day after thay tried. All tape of is lost. Ncis. Cover it. Like push your luck Walla Walla. P D. Toll you. Look up nuker subs. Dum ass. Sg1 ncis. Ncis la. Booo jack teacher. Cia nsa out reach boy

It is easy to critique elements of the behaviour on both sides, but when a Government begin to rob and tyrannise the population resistance is usually the result and violent revolution usually the end product. The masses are usually not the best educated or the best equipped, but they always win sooner or later.

8:40 (((SPLC)))

I live in Oregon and watched this unfold and read both sides of it and I was amazed it didn't turn into a waco type shooting.
the finicm shooting was a much longer scene then thins shows. There was a lot of shoots fired at that truck whole it was pulled over.
The whole thing is on tape. Im sure if you google it and search it you will see. They fired into the pick up and no one was firing back.

....and here they are free and charges dropped.
interesting how this unfolded.

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