Share your Patreon page.

in #patreon7 years ago


One thing that I feel is missing since I joined Patreon is a way to connect with each other the way users do on an internet forum or in social media. If Patreon had forums, it might make it easier to gain patrons based on quality of content, sincerity, and devotion to the community rather than on existing resources, advertising power and reckless spamming. Even more importantly it would foster a real sense of community which is lacking due to the current layout of the site.

Since a few hours ago when I discovered Steemit, I realized that the two could be used together to create a stronger sense of community between all of us who want to live life on our own terms as well as the wonderful people who want to make that possible for others. It would be easier to collaborate, easier to generate interest in your own creations, and easier to bring more people into the world of crowdfunding and alternative payment systems, encourage new people to think about what they might be able to offer and who they are supporting rather than only thinking about what they can get.

I'm still not sure the best way of going about using the two sites together to make self-sustainability and abundance and a strong community a smooth and natural process, but we can discuss that in other threads once we all know each other.

So this thread is for Patreon users to introduce themselves and their pages and for everyone else to check out what we have to offer.

What do you do and why are you passionate about it? :-D


Just started my Patreon page this week. Absolutely agree with the 'community-building' aspect that's missing.

I expect to share content written about Limited Government, Individualism, Free Markets, Peace, and Tolerance. I expect I'll use it as a corollary to my blog over at libertyLOL. We're possibly launching a podcast soon which shows the logical flaws of both the Democrat's progressive and the Republican's neocon arguments that are in the news cycle.

It's quite the growth industry with all of the government waste, fraud and abuse occurring.

I write fiction infused memoirs sprinkled with social commentary and spirituality. My stories are a way of documenting my own process of learning how to trust the universe, of moving from being very focused on the physical to being able to connect to the non-physical.

I am hoping that my writing will serve as a bridge for those who are ready to face the fact that they create their own reality.

Hi, working under here. Searching for truth under every rock and crevice, and that ain't easy. Setting up greenscreen room soon, and hope to start doing live reports or at least taped. Like to thank Frank Bacon for bringing us aboard and we try to get everyone we come into contact with to join. Steemit first then give that shit away! Here is our Patreon account Anything helps ...Will report for Steem!

Resteemed ^_^

This Patreon is mine. I have a head-universe which I currently refer to as The AER-verse (as my partner proposed the title Æfter Ragnarok for the whole thing) and it's brimming with stories. Am working on an animation for the first bunch of stories that I've fleshed out enough to tell. I'm actually in insanely early stages but decided to mitigate that by making 3d characters (either self-inserts or one of their characters) for anyone willing to hit the $10 tier (becase I have to make background/crowd characters anyway).

I'd love to tell you why I'm passionate about it but in all honesty I don't know. I'm just a storyteller and I like to tell stories and I'd probably go insane or explode or something if I don't get these out. If other people enjoy them then that's a huge bonus ;D

Good idea this :) Though using Steemit and Patreon together for community building is an interesting conundrum isn't it :S

I am searching for answers too. Here is my Patreon page. Did you notice that they are making major changes to the site today? My YouTube videos about my journey on my little farm/homestead are fun and I love to share them. YouTube hasn't proven to be the best place to get paid. Patreon has it's own challenges and I agree that the sense of community over there is lacking. Steemit has huge potential so I'm looking for ways to spread the word without sounding like "Hey follow me on YET ANOTHER platform!".

wow, you are doing a whole lot better than I am there! Nice job! Steemit has a lot of potential, I am trying to use both platforms together, although people here aren't really that into patreon. I think my patreon will end up being for everyone who isn't on steemit.

I didn't notice til you told me, it's pretty tacky, it looks like it should be Ikea's new design. But what do I know about design...

I will check out your stuff. X-D Followed

Yeah, I'm not digging the new logo LOL

I think Patreon has the potential to work well especially for those who already have a strong social media presence. If you (for example) already have a Facebook page or a twitter with 20K followers you can promote your Patreon to, then there's a natural segue to getting "patrons" for new projects you announce. The downside might be that of you're starting (building a following) from scratch there will be quite a "burn in period."

I am perhaps a little too "scattered" to use Patron well. I write about self-development and the process of seeking personal peace and consciousness. I also write (unrelated) about Sensory Processing Sensitivity. And (unrelated) I paint sacred mandalas on meditation stones.

I have a Facebook page with almost 70k followers and no one is interested.

Hi! I absolutely agree with you and Hopefully steemit would serve as a tool for everyone of us who are just starting to gain a public.
My name is Carlos Escorza and I make drawings and illustrations inspired in horror and fashion. Hope you like my patreon page and share it with your friends! I will also try to at least follow each patreon in the comments, thank you!

Hello! I know I'm five months out, but hey - why not~!

Suffice it to say, I'm involved with a lot of things but have no cash whatsoever FOR them. Hell, my editor (who does amazing work) is going to do the next book as a freebie.

While it kinda hurts my male pride, my ego can take a hike in order to get my newest book out by Thanksgiving, if not Christmas.

So, I have two Patreons. I ended up doing this simply because I couldn't roll my music and books into one Patreon, y'know?

Considering all the successful Patreons I've looked at, being that general just isn't good. Keep it targeted, keep it niche.

So I have the one that supports my literature-based stuffs (including a battle card game system I had designed, based on my action adventure series The Generalist, up until a second round of artists went quiet on me again hnnnngrasrgh) and one that supports my band.

I at least have one patron, and I'm currently the only patron at AU's. XD It's aight though - I'll be focusing on bringing content there soon too.

Right now I'm kinda uploading my first book here on Steemit and just generally trying to grow out of bare-noob-minnow phase into a regular minnow.

Hell, if I could get $10 per blogpost I make here, that'd supplant Patreon rather quickly.

~Thomas Duder, In The Very Least It'd Be Nice To Pay The Bills

My Patreon page. But I also direct my domain to it for now
I am a self taught artist. I am currently working on interactive electronic sculptures, oscilloscope art and scanography.
Most of my work attempts to bridge the computer into the physical. I also end up with themes in my work that point to the destructive power of technology. I play with the idea that if we solve a societal problem with technology often we end up with additional problems that require a more advanced technology.
Why? I just need something to absorb my angst and communicate my ideas in a way that is thought provoking. I really just like creating artistic things and solving puzzles and sometimes making a puzzle inside my work. I like hidden meanings and double and triple meanings.

Thank you so much. We need something like this.
Here is my Patreon page. Recently created after I started my new youtube channel.

I create WW2 history videos. It takes a lot of time, effort guessed it, money.
So please if anyone is interested, you can be sure that every penny is used to purchase material for the episodes. And I even give archive film to the higher tiers. It is currently the best thing I can offer. The money I ay to buy material is much more than what I ask from the high tiers.
You can find the same videos on my D Tube channel.

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