Virtues of Patience

in #patience7 years ago

Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. James5:8

night-3190991__480.jpgThrough it all, you shall win

Patience is the ability to wait without losing hope. The natural man is not wired to exercise patience. The flesh always want it now. But Christ has brought redemption that enables the flesh to be denied it's impatience by those that believe. Today, the Holy Spirit admonishes us to wait on Jesus, no matter how urgent the need appears. There's nothing to rush for in life, everything is vanity and there's nothing we can have on earth that satisfies.

Let us establish our hearts in the principles of Christ. Let us be certain about who we follow: either Christ or the world system. For the coming of Christ to take the glorious church is at hand. This is not the time to experiment with sin. This is a time to be focused and be certain of whose side we belong. Have you made up your mind to follow Christ alone? Have you sacrificed the pleasures of life to live for Jesus? If so, happy are you, for our God cannot disappoint. Jesus is coming soon, make up your mind today.

Let's pray. Abba Father, thank you for your powerful word today. Please help us to overcome every entanglement with the flesh as we make up our minds to be yours alone, in Jesus name. Amen. I love you.


Bravo! So cool post. I love it @greatness96

thanks for this post, i really need this im losing hope because im a fresh grad but the did not give me an oppurtunity to have a job but patience is the best key thank you so much

You are welcome. Just keep your hope alive and watch out for every next opportunity. You will surely smile soon.

Thanks man . you too take car and have a good day

I love waiting- because it cultivated patience in me! God made all things beautiful in His time :) Thanks for this post @greatness96

I also write about faith, love, and everything about life - esp with God. Following you now ;)