Tiny Möbius Strip Fashioned From Carbon Nanotube Building Blocks - [2022-05-19 Daz5C2]

in #partiko2 years ago

Tiny Möbius strip fashioned from carbon nanotube building blocks:

We’ve always been able to make Möbius strips out of paper, but now it’s possible to make tiny versions using the molecular building blocks of a carbon nanotube

Waste wood chemically recycled to produce material stronger than steel:

A treatment process can turn old pieces of wood into a new super-strong material called "healed wood"

Rubbing against coral seems to be a popular skin treatment in dolphins:

Bottlenose dolphins appear to seek out certain corals and sponges that produce compounds with antibacterial or hormone-like properties

Covid-19 news: World as vulnerable to pandemics as pre-coronavirus:

A regular round-up of the latest coronavirus news, plus insight, features and interviews from New Scientist about the covid-19 pandemic

Priceless samples from Ukraine's seed bank destroyed in bomb attack:

Part of Ukraine’s national seed bank, a repository of genetic diversity, has been destroyed by a blast in Kharkiv, and the rest of the collection remains at risk

The urban beekeeping boom is hurting wild pollinator species:

The recent global trend for urban apiary amounts to "bee-washing" that detracts from efforts to reverse the decline in wild pollinators, argues Graham Lawton

Europe must tackle its energy crisis now or face a very painful winter:

With energy prices set to rise, European governments must act immediately to reduce consumption and turbocharge renewables

Zero-covid strategies are being ditched, but they were the best option:

Several countries are now abandoning their goal of reducing the coronavirus's spread as much as possible, but the evidence shows this was the best route to have taken, says Michael Marshall

Online Safety Bill: Will UK’s new law protect people from harm online?:

The final draft of legislation designed to protect people from "harmful content" online goes before Parliament today, but critics warn it is likely to have unintended negative consequences

We mustn’t let the billionaire rocket men decide what happens in space:

Right now, very few of us have a say in how humans get to space or what we do there. That has to change, says Chanda Prescod-Weinstein

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