Is Deepmind'S Gato Ai Really A Human-Level Intelligence Breakthrough? - [2022-05-20 Feyfk1]

in #partiko2 years ago

The people who built Stonehenge may have eaten raw cattle organs:

An analysis of fossilised faeces found near Stonehenge suggest the people who built the monument ate raw cattle organs and shared the leftovers with their dogs

Why is it taking so long to get covid vaccines for children under 5?:

Few countries currently have covid vaccines available for very young children. With US approvals likely in the next month, here is what you need to know about the vaccines – including why they are still important for kids already exposed to covid

Stem cells levitated using sound form spherical clumps:

When researchers used sound to levitate stem cells they found that the cells formed into spheres. The method could be used for growing tissues for transplants

Tree plantations with diverse species grow better than monocultures:

Forests can produce more timber or store more carbon if they contain a mixture of tree species, according to an analysis of 273 studies around the world

Could monkeypox become a pandemic? Here's everything you need to know:

Dozens of confirmed and suspected cases have been reported worldwide to date, some with no obvious origin, which means the virus could be spreading undetected

Is DeepMind's Gato AI really a human-level intelligence breakthrough?:

DeepMind has released what it calls a "generalist" AI called Gato that can perform 600 tasks – but does this mean it is truly intelligent?

Europe must tackle its energy crisis now or face a very painful winter:

With energy prices set to rise, European governments must act immediately to reduce consumption and turbocharge renewables

Zero-covid strategies are being ditched, but they were the best option:

Several countries are now abandoning their goal of reducing the coronavirus's spread as much as possible, but the evidence shows this was the best route to have taken, says Michael Marshall

Online Safety Bill: Will UK’s new law protect people from harm online?:

The final draft of legislation designed to protect people from "harmful content" online goes before Parliament today, but critics warn it is likely to have unintended negative consequences

We mustn’t let the billionaire rocket men decide what happens in space:

Right now, very few of us have a say in how humans get to space or what we do there. That has to change, says Chanda Prescod-Weinstein


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