Europe Must Tackle Its Energy Crisis Now Or Face A Very Painful Winter - [2022-05-22 2Yz0V8]

in #partiko2 years ago

New kind of camera can image mini-tornadoes in quantum liquids:

Researchers have built a camera-like device for understanding how vortices form in quantum liquids, where atoms pair up and start to behave like overlapping waves

Female mice release banana-scented urine when pregnant to deter males:

Pregnant and lactating female mice release a banana-smelling chemical in their urine that is thought to stress out males so they don’t commit infanticide

First monkeypox genome from latest outbreak shows links to 2018 strain:

The draft sequence of the virus responsible for the rapidly growing monkeypox outbreak shows it is most closely related to strains detected in the UK, Singapore and Israel in 2018 and 2019

Climate change means people are losing 44 hours of sleep per year:

Analysis of data from sleep-tracking wristbands in 68 countries reveals that unusually hot nights are causing people fall asleep later, rise earlier and sleep less

Noisy boats over the Great Barrier Reef are cutting fish lives short:

The noise of motorboats over the Great Barrier Reef can stress its inhabitants, stunting the growth of young fish and leaving them less likely to live to adulthood

Kyoto's cherry blossoms are blooming earlier because of climate change:

The Japanese city is famous for its cherry blossoms, which traditionally mark the start of spring, but rising temperatures are seeing them bloom early

Europe must tackle its energy crisis now or face a very painful winter:

With energy prices set to rise, European governments must act immediately to reduce consumption and turbocharge renewables

Zero-covid strategies are being ditched, but they were the best option:

Several countries are now abandoning their goal of reducing the coronavirus's spread as much as possible, but the evidence shows this was the best route to have taken, says Michael Marshall

Online Safety Bill: Will UK’s new law protect people from harm online?:

The final draft of legislation designed to protect people from "harmful content" online goes before Parliament today, but critics warn it is likely to have unintended negative consequences

We mustn’t let the billionaire rocket men decide what happens in space:

Right now, very few of us have a say in how humans get to space or what we do there. That has to change, says Chanda Prescod-Weinstein


Europe must tackle its energy crisis now or face a very painful winter:

Hey, I have a fun idea: We could encourage hundreds of millions of people to migrate from warm climates into cold climates. We could then restrict the price of fuel in these cold climates and watch all the people freeze!

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