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in #partiko6 years ago (edited)

selamat malam sahabat.saya do'akan sehat selaluya...malam ini cuma beberapa bunga yang ingin saya postingkan kepada anda semoga bisa bermamfaat buat anda dan semoga anda suka .diperjalanan saya pulang dari kerja saya melihat sesuatu yang sedang bermekaran di tepi jalan saya mendekati nya dan melihat oh..ternyata dia sangat lah cantik dansaya tidak menunggu banyak waktu melintas langsung saya memotret nya dengan kamera saya yaitu redmiA5 dengan kualitas standar.
good night friend. I wish you healthy always ... tonight only a few flowers that I want to post to you may be useful for you and I hope you like it. My trip home from work I see something blooming on the side of the road I approach and look oh .. it turns out he was very beautiful and I did not wait for a lot of time to pass directly I took a picture with my camera that is redmiA5 with standard quality.


ini ada beberapa jenis bunga yang sedang mekar meskipun bunga ini kecil-kecil warna dan bentuk nya sangatlah indah parasahabat foto grafi mungkin kin gambar saya ini belum sepenuh nya bisa disebut fotografi dikarnakan kualitas kamera saya masih rendah semoga semua ini bisa mamfaat.


there are several types of flowers that are in bloom even though the flowers are small in color and the shape is very beautiful, the photo graphic is probably the picture I have is not fully called photography because the quality of my camera is still low, hopefully all this can be useful.



Uncomplicated article. I learned a lot of new things. I signed up and voted. I will be glad to mutual subscription))))

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