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RE: A Penny For Your Thoughts

in #partiko5 years ago

Yea, I suppose so @bengiles I don't feel too much like a "we" I just kind of exist to troll and be the antagonist here.

I only partially enjoy this endeavor, I'm not exactly invested, or committed and I don't think I care if this place succeeds, so I don't know why I bother being an irritating twat. It is a bit amusing to get whales to reply to me and it's very telling how they choose to interact with me.

What speaks the loudest for me is the silence, as I know many have seen my musings that are less than favourable and yet I'm mostly ignored. If I'm not ignored I'm told to just leave if it sucks so bad..Above is the first respectable response I've gotten from anyone that's a very big fish.

It's really interesting to me to see the parallels here and out in the real world, it's truly a microcosm of the global mess we are all in.

But, alas I loathe doomsdayers and saviours alike and I fear this place has forced my hand at being both. There are great minds and good people here so I'll stick around but I'd be lying if I said it was for anything other than entertainment and interaction with the few good folks I've bumped into here.

Posted using Partiko Android


oh wow.

I just kind of exist to troll

seriously wow..

so if you are honest with yourself, then dont you want to change something about yourself too?
just wondering

Not really no, I suppose I could attempt to be less blunt, offensive, or more tactful with my critiques and opinions, but that's just for steemian life.

This place is a very small segment of who I am and what I do with my awareness. If I had reason to believe being more polite and politically correct here would be beneficial for me or the community I would be more cunning. But, I don't see the point any putting that much energy into a platform I'm disenfranchised with and realising how utterly insignificant I am here.

I think it's difficult for anyone that's invested here, and been around since the inception or near to it to comprehend exactly why I feel so jaded.

My observations can't allow me to put much of myself into this experiment, and as far as my life outside of here goes I'd change nothing except for it'd be nice to be so busy doing things I love to do that I'd not find the time to steem while on the toilet..Thats looking like the realistic and deserving allotment of time Im willing to devote here.

If you feel your delegations will be better served elsewhere by all means you reserve the right to do so. I appreciate your support but having discovered the flow chart of witness voting and the disillusionment within those ranks after your delegations I just can't see the optimism or hope anymore.

If the price of steem was up I'm positive people would be less tightly wound up and be more engaging. You're one in a million @cryoto.piotr and I think everyone recognises that which means there is a sliver of hope for a community to flourish. But, the majority makes this place more of a cult that is bound by the dollar. And unfortunately this place needs way more than good intentions, and most of the interaction i see is kiss ass brown nosing which frankly I find revolting.

Well, I'm off to continue my preparations for my cookout nye party I'm hosting, so I've got a full plate ahead of me. All the best and happy new year..

Posted using Partiko Android

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