Four Experiments; The Search For The Meaning Of Life

in #partiko5 years ago (edited)


In the search of significance and finding a satisfying life, king Solomon turned himself into a lab rat. He had the power, privilege and access to everything he needed to make his experiments successful. He wanted to know the significance of life and experience it from a higher dimension. He did four experiments and he came back with verdict.

Eccls chapter 1 to chapter 2 verse 11.

  1. Intellectualism Solomon tried to learn all that he could, he searched and researched to learn different things, to gain a deeper knowledge of things, he thought the more you know the better, satisfying and significant your life becomes. This concept has plagued most of us and the whole world. We think our own ideas, academic systems, scientific findings and discoveries can answer man's deep, questions. We think they will meet man's deepest needs and provide solutions to man's deepest troubles.

We always fall far, miss the mark and wreck our lives, every single time we push away God because we think we are smart enough to run our own lives. Listen to what the bible tells us;
Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
he’s the one who will keep you on track.
Don’t assume that you know it all.
(Proverbs 3:5-6. The Message)

We cannot worship God and depend, on our own intellect. We cannot put God and our intellect at the same level, or put our intellect above God. The moment we do that we can never get it right. By so doing we destroy our own life.

Nevertheless there's nothing naturally bad about knowledge and our intellect, the problem comes when we forsake God and rely on our intellect and knowledge. King Solomon tried that, and he came up with this verdict, IT IS VAIN.

  1. Hedonism Hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence.

Hedonism is craved by many. We envy people who live such a life, it looks like that is the best life. Because you indulge every single whim of desire and appetite. There's no stopping, but getting deeper and deeper into pleasure, the body likes that.
But where does it leave as every time we are done with one pleasure to another. It feels empty, tiresome and miserable. The God created vacuum in us, keeps on enlarging us we keep on indulging.

Life continues to feel empty and meaningless, in spite of us giving in, to every single desire, appetite and lust. This is because, hedonism cannot produce the meaning and the significance of life and individuals.
Hedonism cannot satisfy the smallest itch of lust, carnality is never satisfied. When the soul is empty life will always be meaningless, for the test, the color and the satisfaction of life comes from the soul/ the heart.

The world now is full of all kinds of pleasures, new avenue to go and indulge all kind of wild desires and appetites we have, are been built every where, yet life to most people still feels empty and meaningless.

Life is not about satisfying all our desires and appetites. There's more to life than those things. Pushing God away to feed our hedonism, is a deathly mistake. It culminated to devastation. King Solomon tried this, with all the wealthy he had, all the power and access, that none of us will never come even close, he even had 1000 wives, but his verdict was it is Vain, completely meaningless and empty.

Where do you think you will go, with those few thousands dollars and a mountain of itching desires, if the king and all he had got him no where.

  1. Materialism According to the dictionary, materialism is, a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values. Things have become more important than God and other people. People today will do anything to be rich, to own cars, houses, gadgets etc. People are so mindful today with what label, brand and the price tag of the things they buy. Because it gives them an image of success and wealth.

We are so much things, than God. We are trying to find meaning, significance, identity and true satisfaction in things.

In the church as been infected with this virus, we associate material things with God's blessings. Many gospel ministers have forsaken the gospel of the cross, they now preach materialism. It is a trap that is destroying many Christians now. The only manifestations of God's blessings upon our life, we know now is possession, materialism, hoarding. It is shameful but, it is the truth.

But the bible teaches us that, A man's life is not found on the multitude of things he owns.

Apostle Paul, said holiness with contentment is enough. He said, people who sell themselves to go after wealth end up destroying themselves.

Material things are corruptible and can never bring us to our true identity, class and significance.

King Solomon had materials of all kinds and plus, yet he never found satisfaction. He had even built a hanging garden, beautiful house and big house more than even the temple he had built for God, yet this is how he concluded his experiments, VAIN. Empty and meaningless.

In all three experiments, the verdict was Vain, so what did he learn.
Fear of the Lord is the real deal. This is the truth he learned life without God is empty and meaningless, no matter what you do or we do.

Thank you for your time


Pexel. Com

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