콩글리쉬- KonglishsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #partiko6 years ago (edited)

Say vs Saying.png

콩글리쉬- Konglish

Point #6

Say vs Saying

이번 표현들이 되게 디테일한것같아요. (제가 꼼꼼한 사람이라서요)
한국사람들이 저한테 뭘 설명할때 say와 saying중에 어떤 표현을 사용해야되는지 잘 모른것같아요.
예를 들면 (틀린것)
A(Andrew): Why is your friend sad? What did you say to here?
B(Korean): I said she looked tired and should get some sleep. I was trying to help her out but she couldn't understand my saying.
A(Andrew): What kind of saying did you tell her?
B(Korean): Um.....my words...she couldn't understand my words
A(Andrew): Oh! you mean she couldn't understand what you were trying to say.
B(Korean): Yes.

Saying이란 표현을 사용하려면 상황 딱 두가지 있어요.

1. 현재/과거 진행
2. 속담

한국사람들이 실수로 사용한 게 바로 '속담'입니다.
이게 완전히 큰 실수가 아닌데 원어민들은 한국사람들이 사용한 saying이란 표현을 들을때 어느정도 이해할수있지만 이표현이 부자연스러워요.

Say 사용의 예

A: Did you fix your cellphone?
B: Yes, but it took awhile because I had to explain a lot.
A: How many hours were you there?
B: About 2 hours. At first, they couldn't understand what I wanted to say but after a lot of explanation they eventually did.
A: The important thing is they did and fixed your phone.
B: Yeah. I don't want to go and fix my phone again. It is such a hassle.

Saying 사용의 예 (속담)

A: How was the party last night?
B: It was great. I met some new people.
A: Any strange people there?
B: No, but I do realize that some people have certain likes or similar characteristics tend to be together.
A: Well, there is a saying in English - Birds of a feather flock together.(유유상종)
B: I totally agree.

이제부터 여러분들이 올바른 표현을 잘 사용하시길 바랍니다.

이제 댓글에서 자기가 한번 a와 b의 대화 예문을 만들어보시고 혹시 자기가 좋아하시는 속담이 있으시면 댓글에 적어주세요.

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맞습니다 saying을 잘못 쓰시는분들 은근히 많죠 한국사람들 뿐만아니라 여러 non native speaker 분들이요!

네 맞아요. 잘 아시네요^^

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