Gratitude challenge response and nominations.....
Tag Brother Your it...!!!
This post is Peer Pressure at it's finest. It is like losing a bet and having to run around a crowded mall screaming Vegemite, Vegemite, Vegemite...!!! Over and over as loud as You can..... Lmao.
Juss Kiddin @galenkp
But It does inspire Me to write a post. Posting still feels akward and Alien to Me. I have never been very good at putting my thoughts and the days or past events into words on a screen.
Steem..... What have You done 4 Me?
When I came to the Blockchain, The Steem-0-Sphere. I had very low expectations, I was so turned off by the censorship of the Shitty Socialist Media sites of.... Fecesbook & Twatter. Google = Dumbest Big Tech Company Name EVER...!!!
So I was very pleasantly surprised to find some really cool.... "Like Minded People."
I nominate 3 really different people. Not strange different, but diff. in a way that they upvoted, and showed interest and guidance to a Steemian named @krazzytrukker. Just that name alone would make a person say.... "Nahhh thanx" I think I will keep right on scrollin'.... LoL
I know my nominator, @galenkp and I share common interests......
C A T S...!! (Like Minded)
I believe my nominees do also...? @simplymike @denmarkguy @hippie-witha-gun
All 3 are Cat People. All 3 are very different people, from very different walks of life. Maybe they take the challenge, maybe they don't.?
What I am sayin' is those 3. To Me, are what I am grateful for here in this Steemworld. The upvotes they gave, the comments, the follows, and great advice. It keeps me coming back.
There are some others on here that I look forward to every time I log on. I only wish I had more time and SP to share with them.
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I have to say @krazzytrukker, I always look to see if you've made a post with your adorable kitties when I log in! I look forward to the pictures and stories you share. Thank you for the mention in your post. I will keep watching for more from you. Have a relaxing night!
I think that 'Lil Guy thinks he's as big as Sammy Jo is! It's good to see they like each other. Sometimes, me and my brother attack each other in play, and it's really kind of funny, because my human mom thinks we hurt each other! We're just playing, although sometimes, my brother does get a little rough, but he outweighs me! Thank you @krazzytrukker, for the mention in your post. I like waiting for your posts to see what your guys are up to. MEOW!!
I always find myself looking for your posts @krazzytrukker, because you talk about my favorite subject.....cats! I am partial to all kitties and enjoy the human viewpoint about their furry friends. Thanks for the means a lot. Have a purrr-fect day!
I always love the pics of your kitties! You lead an interesting life on the road and you take your babies with you! That is so awesome! I love my little kitties too as I cannot imagine life without them. Like you said-like minded people! Thank you for letting all of us see the adventures you have. It was nice to see my name on your list ☺️. Have a wonderful day 😎
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Looks like little guy is having fun stretching out all along the other kitty. Like saying "yeah, one day I too am gonna be this big".
So cute those cats, I do t even know how you can leave your cabin with those two.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for the nomination @krazzytrukker. Glad to know I'm one of your favorite people. I'll write up a gratitude challenge a little later in response to this. Sounds like fun.
Ok I will try this and thank you for tagging.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for the tag, my friend.
I won't be able to take you up on the challenge, though, although I really wanted to get out a post before leaving for France. But I've spend all day rushing through my comments and mentions (made it!) and now there's no time left.
Glad to hear I have contributed in some way to keep you coming back, just like you do for me.
OMG, I wish I could take the Ladies on holiday with me, just like Yours always keep you company on the road. But I guess they would freak out big time...
Love this picture... It reeks of attitude... What a duo... :-)