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RE: Dragging You Up With Me - Week 1

in #partiko6 years ago

Good idea, I'm trying to do kinda the same thing on every one of my videos.
But the spanish (lenguage) community seems to be so little that's I'm not getting to almost anyone, wich of course hits directly on views and comments, just sad.


Aye buddy just keep plugging at it and wrap the pot into the next post if no winners, if I had no one on this post the next would be that much bigger surely eventually it will get attention. Good to see my brother in arms thinking in the same way, I’ll have to try support your cause a little more closely in future!

Posted using Partiko iOS

PS if you comment with the Partiko mobile app you will have a chance to win the giveaway, available on iOS and Android

Posted using Partiko iOS

It's almost a year since I stop using smartphones xD
Maybe I could try the app via BlueStacks emulator, is it avaible on Android or only iOs?


Available for both, lol I suppose I could make an exception for my very first vote trader whom inspired me to search out autosteem which led to #OneLoveDTube 🍻 if it wasn’t for your support early on and inevitably your whale war I would never have found the tools needed or thought about how to use them better

Posted using Partiko iOS

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