
Try clicking on your wallet tab===>permissions[ACTIVE]==>>>login to show...that will show your ACTIVE KEY which you use to login to the partiko app.

Hope that helps.

Posted using Partiko Android

thanks, but It's just not accepting my active key :0(

Try logging out on your PC and enter the same ACTIVE KEY back on the PC. (Personal Computer)

It happened to me after I found I made a TYPO on my mobile device logging into the Partiko App.

Posted using Partiko Android

I sent my password to myself from my PC and copied and pasted it onto the partiko app, but app said it was incorrect.


Only thing I can think of is trying your POSTING KEY.


Posted using Partiko Android

thanks for your help...when I put in the posting key, the app shows a green checkmark, but when I click on Sign In, it turns to red and says "password or key is not valid"

It's a mystery

Must be mystery @gardenlady

Sorry to waste your time...

The Partiko App is really cool!

Hopefully you have 2nd account or family member that can get it to work.

We tried...have GREAT WEEKEND anyways!


Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, thanks for your time. have a good weekend too ;0)

Thanks for helping us answering the questions!

Posted using Partiko Android

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