Cow farts to blame for sure! Snowpocolypse Portland!

in #partiko5 years ago (edited)

Portland Oregon completely shut down! Snowpocolypse! Cow farts are to blame for sure!

We must enact laws that all animals that fart are fitted with fart collection.

And humans have to as well!

As well immediately all citizens will be totally vegan! Like radical vegan.

You are hereby ordered to foster a cow and collect it's fart. And fines if any farts go uncollected. Human or cow.

And foster family is responsible for the veterinarian bills.

Ranchers will now convert to monoculture agricultural farming practices.

All granola hippies and vegans who have been vegan before this law are now drafted and elevated to a privlage class. VeganWarriors! And VeganNinjas! And VeganPirates!

These people will enforce the laws they make up on the spot. And any punishment must be "nonviolent" in their eyes. Previous meateaters are murdering scum and not able to understand what is going on.

Meateaters shall be slaves and redistribute all wealth and property to our Vegan Brothers and Sisters.

Massive funds will be spent on meatless technology. Especially meatless bacon project. Just a non murdering and raping bacon.

Next is all herbivore animals are captured and placed in zoos. Any carnivore animals are immediatly subjected to vegan diet and ideals.

Counseling for all Meateaters. If they don't convert we place them in special reEducation camps. Now named ReVegatation Camps...

And also enacted is free granola for all.

And let the plants rise! Let us eat baby plants and enjoy their screams! Seeds are not plants in the womb we are extinguished before they are born..

When we chop apart a plant it has no life or spirit let alone feelings! We are in charge of the world!

Thank you and welcome to the revolution... Vegans for Civil War and for an excepted class to the law. Vegan morals are betterer than Meateaters, who are murdering rapist scum... Who take advantage and torture their steak..

Yes Meateaters rape their steak before eating it... They got it drunk and ignored the screams of the cows... And those poor bunnies.

Vegans unite! Time to stop global warming single-handed! Save the bunnies and damn the rabbits! Let them wear those glasses... We need those plants to chop up and mince!

Posted using Partiko Android


Howdy sir ganjafarmer! haha, I didn't know you were so funny, this is hilarious and very clever, there are so many great lines and phrases in this.."granola hippies" "Counseling for all Meateaters" lol..great job!

Many thanks and I definitely enjoying creating, Dean and having a sense of humor

Posted using Partiko Android

what the lol. What did I just read haha. I'm going to be a VeganFart. Meaning I only eat processed fart :P
Baby plants screaming lolol....
Great funny post @ganjafarmer

Lol yeah had some drama and got kicked out of a radical vegan led group and been making fun of it since. Demand an apology and tell me. I Fucked up? Oh wait... Here is some humor back at them. Not gonna name names, you can scroll through blockchain past and discover it.

But I do get to have fun working on my comedy....! And gives me things to write about.

Remember that vegans don't murder plants or believe they have feelings thoughts or feel pain.... Wink!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep having fun with comedy and humor. Took a while to get the skit all put together. Just humor and fun.

Posted using Partiko Android

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