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RE: A Low Rumbling Sound . . . Haiku, The Destruction of Port Royal, and a forgotten chapter in the founding of the New World *****

in #partiko5 years ago (edited)

Yeah, I've been working on computers since Moses was discovered in the basket, so neither Windows nor Mac yet existed, and I was working in machine language (kind of), Fortran (badly), and Dos (much, much better)!

From '89, I was working on my then-husband's pre-Windows desktop running Dos, then when I moved my art and framing shop next to an artist friend's studio in '96, she offered to let me keep my records on her Mac . . . the only other Mac I've ever worked on.

When I bought my first business laptop, in 97, I bought a PC because Mac didn't have the business programs I needed.

Through all the computers I've had since, all varying iterations of Windows, I've bitched about botched updates, but I didn't want to switch to Mac . . . I wanted to switch to Linux.

When I got my then-new HP laptop, about two years ago, it was running Windows 10, which I instantly hated. Talk about S-L-O-W!!!

I promptly got an older desktop from a friend, and converted it from XP Pro (which I loved, but which MS was no longer supporting) to Ubuntu Studio, which I instantly loved.

Fast, NOT bloated, ZERO forced updates, and just worked. It is so much leaner than Windows that it's truly amazing.

But then the desktop went kafloowy, now followed by the laptop, so my wonderful father-in-law sent me the Macbook Pro, which was sitting unused.

And I know why. Slower than Windows 10. For real.

Now, to be fair, mine us a mid-2010 Macbook Pro, and we don't know it's history. Everything works, sort of, but there are so many things I can do instantly in Windows that NO ONE has been able to tell me how to do in Mac, that at this point I see zero point in having a Mac.

If I can't even do the basic stuff I'm used to doing, then it's worthless to me.

So I'm about to buy a new laptop, which will no doubt come preinstalled with Windows 10, and likely a whole bunch of other crap.

Which I will immediately bypass by having a USB boot drive with Ubuntu Studio. My laptop, my way. Enough of bloatware.

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