Socialism Rocks!

in #partiko6 years ago (edited)

No, it doesn't...

We live in Germany a primarily Socialist state... What state isn't these days? Anyways, we pay roughly 42% of our income straight to taxes each month in order to receive the wonderful benefits of socialism! Haha.

Don't get me wrong, I love this country. That's why we are here. Our community’s generosity and togetherness never ceases to amaze me. When we first got here there was no room in kindergarten for our children and the mayor personally saw to it that they would get a spot. The heart of the village is the volunteer fire department which hosts countless community gatherings and fundraisers.

Back to my story...Our house is heated by oil heating and last night right before bed we ran out of oil. Now, this is our fault for not closely monitoring the oil levels, but no big deal lets just call the oil company in the morning and they will come and top us off.

Well, wife calls the only oil company there is. They can't come until Wednesday and they only accept cash. The minimum we can purchase is 1000€ worth and it has to be cash.

So after some heated words, my wife persuaded them to come out this afternoon to fill us up. We should consider ourselves lucky that we have heat in our house in the middle of winter.

Why I'm upset....
A) we are paying extra for 24-hour delivery B) oil is heavily subsidized by our tax money and we are paying cash up front so why the hell should we feel lucky for purchasing your product? How is this not a trust? But it's the same as in the US.

Gotta love indentured servitude...

When you live in a socialist country customer service is the first thing that goes out the window... Well actually economic freedom. 😂😂😂

Just a little rant. Hope everyone has a great week!

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I don't get either why you have to pay at delivery. O.O

You never lived in a real socialist state, didn't you? Because, when all people rely on the same restricted goods, some special kind of customer service exists indeed.

ja man, ich kenne dieses Gefühl ... Leerlauf in der ÖLkanne ;)

Ja diesen 24 Stunden Belieferungsaufpreis finde ich auch eine absolute Frechheit, besonders wenn man nur auf einen Anbieter zurück greifen kann...

Generell so manchge Dienstleistungszahlungen finde ich extrem, ich hatte mal einen Öllieferant der wollte einen Extraaufpreis dafür das er seinen Lastwagen nutzen musste um uns Öl zu Beliefern, naja ich habe ihm Freigestellt das er es auch in der Kanne einzeln zu uns tragen darf, das ganze wurde dann auch vor Gericht witzig, ihm wurde das dann Untersagt und er musste einigen Menschen Geld zurück zahlen, schade das immer noch mit Notwendigen Dingen Extra Geld gemacht wird, aber wie Du schon sagtest Willkommen im Sozialismus. Schade nur das dies alles nichts mehr mit SOZIAL zu tun hat ^^

Mann, der so verrückt ist. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass wir kämpfen müssen, nur um zu überleben, und es soll so eine wunderbare Welt werden!

Was witzig ist. Jetzt haben wir ein füllen Öl Tank aber das Heizung läuft nicht.... warten auf die firme. Kalt!!! 😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

yeah all times HARD WARS are needed to change the World again, last time we got the Marketeconomy... maybe time to lower the humans again to have a better loadout this time

Sad bad true. I thing we are about to reach our carrying capacity....

Posted using Partiko iOS

Es hat auch nichts mit Sozialismus zu tun, was soll diese Behauptung?

Howdy sir badger! wow they only accept cash, that's amazing. Most places want a credit card but don't want to fool with cash! Yeah that's outrageous to pay extra and in cash when the company is being subsidized. It's not that bad here yet but heading down that path slowly.

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