@partiko | Thinking vs Feeling Personality | #225

in #partiko5 years ago (edited)


Thinking vs. Feeling

Still related to individual personality. In the previous article I discussed extrovert vs. introverted personality and Intuitive vs. Sensing. The Extrovert and Introvert dimensions want to see where the energy orientation of the individual is, whether it tends to be outward or inward. Meanwhile the dimensions of sensing and intuitive want to see how individuals process the data they receive through the five senses. Now I will discuss the personality of thinking vs. feeling. This dimension looks at how people make decisions.

Masih berhubungan dengan kepribadian individu. Pada tulisan sebelumnya saya sudah membahas tentang sifat kepribadian extrovert vs introvert dan Sensing vs Intuitif. Dimensi Extrovert dan Introvert ingin melihat ke mana orientasi energi yang dimiliki individu, apakah cenderung ke luar ataupun ke dalam. Sementara itu dimensi sensing dan intuitif ingin melihat bagaimana individu memproses data yang ia terima melalui panca indra. Sekarang saya akan membahas tentang sifat kepribadian thinking vs feeling. Dimensi ini melihat bagaimana orang mengambil keputusan.

Thinking is those who always use logic and the power of analysis to make decisions. They tend to be task oriented and objective. Impressed stiff and stubborn. They apply the principle consistently. Good at analyzing and maintaining procedures /standards

Thinking adalah mereka yang selalu menggunakan logika dan kekuatan analisa untuk mengambil keputusan. Mereka cenderung berorientasi pada tugas dan objektif. Terkesan kaku dan keras kepala. Mereka menerapkan prinsip dengan konsisten. Bagus dalam melakukan analisa dan menjaga prosedur/standar.

While feeling is those who involve feelings, empathy and values that are believed when they want to make a decision. They are relationship oriented and subjective. They are accommodating but often seem to be partial. They are empathetic and want harmony. Good at maintaining harmony and maintaining relationships.

Sementara feeling adalah mereka yang melibatkan perasaan, empati serta nilai-nilai yang diyakini ketika hendak mengambil keputusan. Mereka berorientasi pada hubungan dan subjektif. Mereka akomodatif tapi sering terkesan memihak. Mereka empati dan menginginkan harmoni. Bagus dalam menjaga keharmonisan dan memelihara hubungan.

Posted using Partiko Android


Do you think we can't be both?
Like I feel like I am both thinker and a feeler.
I think when it comes to anything related to my career and feel when it comes to anything related to my personal life.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank for your comment. In my opinion, The combination between the two is good but depends on which is the most dominant. Someone very rarely has multiple personalities. You can feel which is the most dominant, thinking or feeling. if your personality is more dominant thinking then in private relationships you also tend to use thinking. If you are more dominant feeling then in your career relationship you will also tend to use feeling. The balance between the two is very rare .

Posted using Partiko Android

Cool , got your point. Basically everyone has both of it , thinking and feeling but either of the one is always dominant. I agree .

Posted using Partiko Android

Ok thanks you @amr008

Posted using Partiko Android

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