
They have literally admitted to chem-trailing the sky. They call it 'geoengineering' now. Harvard did the announcement. LOL Fools Everywhere.

I work in the Jet Fuel industry for my paying job. From my perspective the military is spraying particulate at very high altitudes, and the commercial airliners are flying through it and leaving "natural contrails" that are mixed with the aluminum and other SRM particulates hence the "chemtrails". Jet engines are basically designed to mix air, so all the military has to do is spray an invisible cloud of particulate over normal flight paths and as normal commercial air traffic flies through it, the engines mix the particulate and the air, leaving behind the long white trails that are not natural, and are not condensation. This gives them the deniability of saying the commercial airliners you see leaving the long trails are just leaving normal contrails, the problem is the military is spraying above them so the "normal contrails" are mixed with particulate and being used for Solar Radiation Management.

I thought chem trails were to poison us and give us cancer and respiratory problems. No?

I've often speculated just that. From my perspective the Earth is actually growing and more vulnerable right now to solar radiation hence the particulate. However I fear something more sinister behind even that since the Solar Radiation Management is only damaging and preventing Earth's natural ability to "catch up" with it's natural defenses, hence the conspiracy. In fact there's a very curious theme of anti human and anti nature at the heart of almost every conspiracy. Could the conspirors be anti human and anti nature? That's more than a red pill to swallow. Swallow "we're not on top of the food chain and deliberately taught we are." This is a conspiracy thread right? Just kidding

Is this post not trying to discredit the chemtrail theory? It clearly shows your position on the subject and the flat earth mention at the end lol, I mean the message is clear parody or not.

I do find the subject entertaining like in your comment here:

but no I do not believe in chemtrails, I know some companies are testing chemicals that cause cloud formations and rain, to help desert areas or areas hit by severe drought, but I believe those chemicals have to be safe for the idea to work as a business model.

If what they are spraying was safe they wouldn't try to hide their actions. They told us for years that these were contrails and now changed the narrative and finally admitted that these programs are going on.

Pretty much. You're a fool if you don't believe in THE FACTS.

Lol at first I totally started reading this and thought you were serious up until the half rainbow. Nice work.

Fuck you are stupid. holy shit.