The Protests Against The Compact For Migration Was The Start Of A Revolution

in #parliament6 years ago

This past weekend, Canadians all across the country rallied in protest against the United Nations Global Compact for Migration. From Ottawa to Toronto to Saskatoon and many other cities, the people came together in defiance of this draconian pact that will sell Canada’s borders out to an unelected, international body. In a show of both solidarity with France and objection to the current Liberal government, the people dawned the now iconic yellow vests
However, while this was in protest of the compact, these rallies were the start of Canada’s own revolution. While our revolution has started much more peacefully then the one in France, the message was clear: Canada would no longer support the Globalists, their governments and their agenda. This is only the beginning.
For the past few years, European countries have grown disillusioned with the European Union and the foreign nations that have attempted to assert control over these sovereign societies. It began in America, then spread to Hungary, Poland, Italy, the UK (despite the fact that Brexit has entered limbo, the will of the people is clear) and now France. The wave of populism has become quite popular. Now, it has reached Canada.
Canada has been at the centre of the Globalist movement for decades now. Since his victory in the 2015 federal election, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has done everything he can to gain the favour of the UN and other nations around the world and pushing to enact the UN’s Agenda 2030. He has given away billions of dollars for one cause or another while life at home became more and more difficult for his citizens. He has done everything he could to divide the people so we will spend more time fighting amongst ourselves rather then focusing on what he is doing.
If you have been paying attention to the riots in France and the gilet jaune movement, it is not simply about the implementation of a carbon tax. It is about the cost of living, it is about being treaded on by both the government and the rich elites. It is about returning power to the French people. President Macron has spent his time in office insulting and knocking down the little guy. His show of force against the protesters and the violence of the French police proves this.
Prime Minister Trudeau has been working towards this same goal. Our PM has demonized the working male at every turn, a perfect example being his speech recently at the G20 where he spoke of the dangers of male construction workers in rural areas. He has destroyed the people’s ability to work for themselves and have a good quality of life, such as in the oilsands where he said he would expand the Employment Insurance to these workers instead of working to give them jobs in their sectors, ending the Energy East pipeline and buying out the Kinder Morgan Pipeline, since then construction has not begun. All these people want are jobs to support their families, and they work hard to do so.
He has expanded mass migration into Canada, raising immigrations rates to 350,000 per year and allowing anyone who crosses our border illegally to stay and live off the system which has cost the taxpayer about $1.1 Billion, expenses paid mostly by the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Through Bill C-76, the Elections Modernization Act, 2 million extra people who were ineligible to vote in Canadian elections now have the ability to do so. Despite his warnings of dangers posed by foreign threats to Canada’s election integrity, he is relaxing the requirements to register to vote, going back to the third-party vouching system.
Something has got to give, and it has become clear that the signing of the UN Migration Compact is a step to far. This is the beginning of the end of Globalism in Canada and the rise of a populist, nationalist based Canada that will no longer stand for the UN meddling in our affairs. Any politician or party that doesn’t fall in line will be left behind and become irrelevant in this new climate. We will not sell out our borders, our country, our culture. Despite what Trudeau says, Canada is not a “post-national state” with “no core identity”. We have been asleep for some time, but we are awake now, and will not let our country go down the path that has already been taken by countries such as Germany and Sweden.
The government fears this outcome, which is the reason they have outlawed the citizens from wearing the yellow vests. They see the yellow vests for what they are, a rebellion against the establishment and a sign from the citizens that we will no longer be pushed around. They ban the yellow vests, but never have and never will outlaw the Antifa flags, their all black clothing or their masks. Antifa are pawns for the old guard, the yellow vests are soldiers of the new age, and we will not be stopped. Not by Antifa, not by the government, not by the elites and certainly not by the UN.

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