
how many firsts has Elon to his credit?
how many things has he done that no one else ever has?

He’s gonna have haters no matter what sadly...

I think he's a crony capitalist. Rumors abound of his connections to the CIA and DARPA. It seems suspicious that Tesla is still afloat despite losing LOTS of money year after year. He is in the same pool of young government-boosted "entrepreneurs" who are really, most likely (IMHO,) front men for the "winners and losers" programs handpicked by government "dark money" for major unreported grants, debt forgiveness, etc. , along with peole like Larry Page and Sergey Brin of Google, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, etc.

A few socialists do understand some of the various ways the republic has been usurped, yes. Sadly, they choose solutions that are worse than the problem.

socialist are insane.
they're no more responsible for their actions than pond scum is.

did he accidentally say something nice about Trump? the media seems to have switched gears.

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