Florida School Shooting: Obvious Cover Up From Day One

in #parkland6 years ago (edited)

<<Originally posted to Blogspot on February 16th. A massive amount of information has come to light since then, and I will be writing a follow up post covering all that shortly. Suffice it to say, there is definitely a cover up going on alright - on a grand scale, and the few updates made to this article illustrate that. Even just one day after the shooting, though, there were enough red flags to be certain of it. It goes to show that when the media begins censoring certain evidences while favoring others immediately after a big news event like this, it practically guarantees a government cover up is in progress, and a false flag likely, if not a complete hoax.>>

(The three videos embedded into the original post were all removed during the recent YouTube Purge, as can be seen if you follow the link in the paragraph above. They have been reinserted into this post, re-uploaded to D-tube.)

-On the afternoon of Valentine's Day, February 14th, there was another mass school shooting, which occurred in Parkland Florida. Within an hour, the official government narrative was that a lone wolf gunman, 19 y/o former-student Nikolas Cruz, had killed 17 students with an AR-15 "assault rifle," before any real investigation into the events had even begun. Almost as early, that same evening, there was already witness testimony surfacing that conflicted with this lone gunman narrative...

Student Interview on Night of Shooting Gives Alleged Gunman Nikolas Cruz an Alibi - Multiple Students Report Multiple Shooters & Planned Crisis Drill - Corporate Media Outlets Censor the Evidence

Initial report of alleged shooter Nikolas Cruz having an alibi @ time first shots were fired (video I made the 15th):


Here is the full KHOU 11 News clip with the first report of the interview with witness Alexa Miednik, who says 'suspect' Nikolas Cruz was with her inside the school immediately after the first shots were fired outside at the other end of the building. (I have the video downloaded - if it is removed from YouTube I will upload it here to D-tube.)

After releasing this bombshell information, the news agency conveniently immediately switches their attention to an official narrative friendly interview with a boy who speaks only negatively about Nikolas Cruz, rather than discussing the obvious implications of Alexa's testimony.

This video below is the highly censored interview with Alexa Miednik, promised by KHOU 11 News reporter Matt Musil to be aired later the night of the shooting on the ten O'clock news, and which to my knowledge never was. Musil initially released the video on Twitter that evening. [UPDATE: Only a few seconds of select footage from the interview was apparently aired (3.07-3.16), while NONE of the following key testimony was included]:

Alexa Meidnik SNAP.png

This interview is being systematically censored & ignored by the corporate FakeStream Media outlets in favor of coverage which doesn't challenge the official government narrative. When KHOU 11 News did put Alexa on the ten O'clock news later that night, the ENTIRE testimony posted above had been edited out. And this time they don't even dare touch on the fact that Alexa claims with certainty there were at least two shooters! Only a few seconds from a few clips were aired - two of which are not found on the above video interview cut, ending with Alexa saying of Nikolas, "he definitely should be paying for what he has done."

However, as can be seen here in the available portion of the interview released by Matt Musil, Alexa doesn't seem overly convinced Nikolas is the shooter at all, while the reporter is obviously attempting to push the official narrative into her story. So when we hear Alexa state that "he definitely should be paying for what he had done," we should understand that this is coming from the viewpoint of one who is repeatedly being told by every authority figure around that they know Nikolas Cruz was in fact a shooter here. In reality they don't know that, but are just parroting the unproven government narrative. It should come as no surprise that when aired, KHOU 11 censored the entire relevant portion of Alexa's testimony in favor of a few select words used by the station, along with plenty of media spin to bolster the government narrative. But that still doesn't erase this key testimony, or its very serious implications.

Alexa confidently states multiple times that she is absolutely certain there were multiple shooters, but she also provides Nikolas Cruz with an alibi at the time of the initial shots fired. Alexa never once actually says that she believes Nikolas was the shooter despite the reporter's apparent pressure to do so, but rather refers to him as the "suspect" in air quotes, and states she wasn't scared when walking with him. There is no mention of Cruz carrying any weapons, and an AR-15, the weapon he is being accused of using, would be impossible to conceal.

Later on live television, the reporter bluntly admits that, "Alexa said she saw no gun." When the reporter attempted to impose the official narrative onto her testimony by saying, "You were walking down the hall, he had already fired at that time," she answered, "Yes, [walking] with him," while refusing to acknowledge he had already fired shots at that time. Surely this is because she rightfully believed it was impossible for Nikolas Cruz to have fired the initial shots when he was walking with her unarmed just seconds later, the reason she is so insistent that "there definitely had to be two shooters".

[Update: A student interviewed by phone on the Alex Jones show appears to further corroborate Alexa's testimony, stating that a female friend of his told him she was walking with Cruz & Meidnik while shots are being fired.]

Alexa is not the only witness claiming there were multiple shooters either, but all of these witness statements which contradict the official narrative of a single gunman are being mostly ignored and censored by the corporate mass media. Despite there having been ZERO EVIDENCE brought against the accused thus far - no evidence whatsoever that Nikolas Cruz committed this heinous crime has been presented - the media has already found this man guilty; acting as Judge, Jury & Executioner before the smoke even settles. To add insult to injury, the media cabal is also intentionally ignoring the one key witness who could actually help ascertain this man's innocence, and they are doing so for the sole purpose of defending the pre-approved government narrative they are payed to promote.

Of course the gun-grabbers also immediately began jumping and clamoring for more gun control laws, as they always do after every one of these mass shooting events - TURNING TRAGEDY POLITICAL. The problem is, public schools are already gun-free zones, proving that gun control laws don't stop gun crime.

[UPDATE: It is now apparent that this shooting conveniently occurred the day before Florida legislators were scheduled to vote on a bill (SB740) that contained provisions to relax background check requirements for concealed carry permit requests in the State. The vote was scheduled for 1 p.m., and this Miami New Times story originally published at 11:18 a.m., now informs us that:

"Update: After this story was published, Florida Agricultural Commissioner Adam Putnam postponed his proposed change in gun-licensing rules."

How convenient for anti-gun politicians and media outlets in Florida like the Miami New Times themselves! If one reads this story themselves, they will see that without the school shooting story from the evening before, the paper wouldn't have had much of a story at all to sway men like Adam Putnam...]

[New Update 2-27: It appears there was far bigger pro-gun legislation which was set to be voted on, on the very day of the Parkland shooting - SB1236 "which would allow teachers and staff to be armed in schools", was also killed b/c of this False Flag, a local Broward County resident reported in an email to the New Earth Blog on the 20th. The source goes on to detail how a similar scenario played out with the Ft. Lauderdale "false flag/psyop" (same County), which also occurred on the day several pro-gun measures were to be voted on, but were then killed. What a coincidence...]

At this point, it is far too early for any true researcher or journalist to determine or come to any relatively accurate conclusion as to what exactly happened in this Florida school shooting. There is not yet enough evidence available to put the pieces of the puzzle together and get an accurate picture of the details of the events of this tragic shooting. And yet the media cabal has no qualms attempting to do just that. They give us the whole story before the relevant evidences surface, they determine the alleged shooter's guilt without a single piece of credible evidence being brought against him, and it is all a part of blindly parroting the government narrative as truth while ignoring and censoring all evidence which challenges this same narrative.

Any time the media intentionally ignores and censors relevant witness statements which challenge the official government narrative, it is a sign of a government & media cover up. Only time will tell if the American public gets to the truth being covered up by this narrative being pushed by the MSM, or whether the true events of that day will remain a mystery. But one thing is certain: Controlled Corporate Media is engaging in a COVER UP and the official government story is a LIE.

It used to be in this country that someone was considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Now our courts are lawless, and the Media Cabal finds the accused guilty in the court of public opinion before a single piece of credible evidence against the man has been presented, in order to protect the government narrative. Nikolas Cruz should be considered innocent UNTIL proven guilty, not assumed guilty until proven innocent as the corrupt media has successfully done. Especially when this man actually appears to have an alibi! With the information currently available to the public, Nikolas Cruz should be presumed INNOCENT until evidence to the contrary is presented.

I will finish this post with a simple question. Why is it that nearly every one of these mass shootings from Sandy Hook to now, occurs on the same day & in the same location as a military and/or homeland security and/or police training drill? The following video contains further witness testimony of multiple shooters and of a planned 'school shooting drill' which was to occur, as well as a fire alarm being pulled - causing mass confusion when the real shooting began:

(The original video from Blackstone Intelligence here was censored from YouTube. This is the video I put up on the 18th, which contains all of the witness interview footage from the original video, as well as clips from one additional CNN interview - also from the 15th - at the end, and the short additional intro clip.)

Multiple Students Report Multiple Shooters:
False Flag_Multiple Shooters.png


KHOUSportsMatt Matt Musil tweeted @ 15 Feb 2018 - 03:05 UTC

#KHOU11 After shifting over from #ASTROS Camp to coverage of school shooting in Parkland, Forida, I talked with Ale… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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