When is the right time to take care of our parents?

in #parents7 years ago

Photo credit: google

One of my close colleagues was behaving strangely yesterday, so during our lunch break, I interrogated her and she confided in me.

I got to understand that she gives out 60% of our meager salary to her parents for their upkeep but her mother called her that morning, claiming that what she does is too small, and she would need to increase it.

So the thought of how she would get the extra cash made her worried and all...

I was very shocked because the money we collect is not even enough to take proper care of oneself, considering the expensive transport fare, feeding and rent which are just the essentials o, talk more of other wants...

For crying out loud, we are just fresh graduates still hustling and waiting for NYSC.

Note that she even told me that while she was at school, she was fending for them and even though she did it out of the goodwill of her heart, the call was just off it.

My opinion: Our parents are those that gave birth to us, those who fed, clothe and raised us. They were the ones there when no other person was... through the thick and thin... they have always been behind us... and they deserve our all... but they should not put pressure on us, but manage what we can give till we get something better and are comfortable.

Guys, what do you think?love-.jpg


I gave you some lovin! How 'bout you give me some too?

Some parents can manage what you give them
Some don't care about your money

Some believe it's their right

When I have kids and they are fulfilled ion think I will depend on their money

Nice work @chemmy

Hun hun... thanks so much for your reply

This a very intresting article...
In as much as Keeping our parents happy is very important...they must'nt put thier children under pressure....

Abi na, thank you very much

It is our duty to take good care of our parents, the good book encourages us to do so. "Honour your father and mother that your days may be Long on earth ". Your friend's parents should understand the situation of things. Let your friend explain to them how much she earns, so they won't be expecting much from her, when she doesn't have much to offer.
So far, she is doing well. Tell her not to derail in taking care of her parents.

I would tell her. Thank you very much

Best time is now.
Even without the bank breaking account, you still have a little help they would appreciate

I know, but she is trying her best, but her parents don't seem to understand

Parents needs to be taken care of at every possible time, no matter how we cared for them it's not up-to how they've cared for us.

True talk bro

Do what you can, don't wait till you have it all because sometimes it becomes too late. And i think some parents need to take it easy on young graduates, getting your life together is a huge process. Accept what they can afford for now and be patient, they'll definitely do more as things get better

Very true. Thank you very much

It is good to take care of our parents. As a matter of fact, it is a kingdom practice that is quite commonsensical.
However, there is this thing I have problem with in Africa, the issue of horizontal attachments. A case where when one person in a family is well placed and the rest members wait for his largesse to survive.

Exactly! I don't like the fact that others stop working and focus on the most successful in the family.

Every time is a right time :)

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