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RE: The Parenting Paradox: we don't like being controlled so why do we control our children?

in #parenting6 years ago (edited)

I watched that same video that @dannyshine put up and I was very impressed by what Dayna Martin had to say and her experiences raising her children. I do try and let mine follow their own lead. They more or less eat what they want, we don't have any sugar n our home so that is not really an issue. I still have to pull myself back when they are being not so nice to one another, I find that very hard. I try and talk about how important it is to be gentle with one another. But like you said sometimes they are mimicking us and it's really all about us as parents changing our behaviours. It's one big crazy rollercoaster adventure being a parent, but if you want them to be respectful you got to show them some respect.


So true. The respect is lost when all they understand is the limiting rule around the thing they enjoy. So happy to have discovered this one in time for their childhood! And am looking forward to providing stimulating alternatives to the ipad.

Thanks for sharing your story. And congrats getting sugar out of the house! Still working on that one here. Sabrina is a sucker for it and I see how much this influences Esteban. His first word in the morning is usually 'cake'!!!

getting into raw cakes and making my own chocolate has been a great help, raw food is alot more filling and more satisfying so we don't really crave 'sugary' foods, dates are a great alternative. dates peanut butter and carob make a really good caramel. Sugar is a tough one really. But it can be done.x

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