in #parenting6 years ago

Hello beautiful people. Hope you day have been amazing so far. Last week, we talked about The Roles of Children in Raising a Model Family and we promised to continue with talking about various ways by which children can be provoked to wrath, anger, stubbornness and so on. We sure need to know the problem(s) before we can know how to tackle them.


There is need for happy children in the home. If we have a home where its all about quarrel always, such home cannot be referred to as a model family. Now...

How children can be provoked by Parents

When you don't listen to them

There are lots of parents who see their children in a way that they have nothing to offer. Even when these children have something important that is bothering them and want to say, some parents just shun them off. This can ofcourse discourage such child and make him/her misbehave.

Running them down in front of others
This act has caused so many children to be provoked. Imagine a parent talking about his/her own child in public even in their very presence and saying things like, he/she is very lazy, or bed-wets, or is stingy, etc. This is a wicked act and parents should take full note of this.

Doing wrong things and not apologizing
Most times, parents feel they are the boss and can over-ride or cheat their own children, not knowing they also have a God. Parents should take note that these children know their left from their right and deserve some respect from their parents. A simple sentence of I am sorry from a parent to a child isn't bad at all. Lets try to understand this better.

Telling them their birth was a mistake
Wow! This is wicked! It is true that some children can be so stubborn that one sometimes get really frustrated. But to now utter the sentence of "Your birth was a mistake" is evil. No matter how angry we are, we should never say such to our children, as parents. No, don't!


Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

Eph 6:4

Now, how should Parents should relate to their children? be continued

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@theartisangroup. All great thoughts. My take: parenting children is like cultivating a garden. Think of children as seeds that are planted. They need a nurturing environment which at once gives them the opportunity to grow and the security of unconditional love.

The seeds may sprout and produce beautiful flowers, or they may wither and produce nothing, or unexpected results (good or bad). Children need the freedom to fail and the confidence that, if they fail, they can try again. If a child doesn't turn out the way a parent expects, that could be the child's nature expressing itself.

It's a delicate balancing act, something parents learn over time. But expecting our children to be carbon copies of us is ultimately a prison for the child. Like an untended garden, the seed's growth is stunted.

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