how to survive with 2 under 2!

in #parenting7 years ago

ok, so I recently gave birth to my second baby, he is one month old now. I also have a daughter who is 15 months. (baby number 2 was a pleasant yet unexpected suprise!) anyone that has 2 babies under 2 understands what I'm going through right now! sleepless nights, restless days, smelling like baby puke and pretty much having 0 time for youself! but in this first month I have found some tips to making things easier that I would like to share with all the super moms out there!
1- put down the electronic devices and enjoy those sweet babies.
I, like most people have a smart phone addiction, I realized that if I just put the phone down and played with my 15 month old I would actually enjoy my day and see just how freaking adorable she is!!! I also got freaked out when I saw her imitating me with her toy cell phone!(bad mom moment)
2- make a schedule
having a schedule allows you to figure out when you are going to have a little bit of "you" time to possibly shower, or at least wash the dried baby puke off your arm!
3- make sure to let the older baby spend time with the new babe.
when I first brought number 2 home, my daughter ignored me for 4 days, would not kiss me, cuddle me or even look at me! it was heart breaking, she didn't care at all for her brother. now I get her involved by asking her to get me a diaper, or to kiss her brother, or help put him to bed. she feels responsibility and is sooo in love with her baby bro all of a sudden!
4- get outside!
first of all having a 15 month old means my house is a freaking disaster all the time, there are constantly toys everywhere and her new favourite is removing everything from the kitchen cupboards and distributing it around the house.... fun stuff. The only way to keep the house clean is to not be in the house! so we spend a lot of time outside where my baby girl can explore and get dirty, she loves it and I just strap the new baby on my chest and we are good to go!
5- make time for your hubby.
sometimes we get so caught up in diaper changing, rocking, playing, entertaining, cooking, that we forget to spend time with our partner. It is so important to have some time together to keep the romance alive. even though we are exhausted and the only thing we feel like doing on a Friday night is crawl in to bed at 7 pm, watch a movie, and eat junk food, I force myself to put in the effort to keep a little bit of a spark alive in my relationship.

sometimes it can be so overwhelming to raise 2 little babies, but then I realize just how fast these little balls of love grow up and I remember that I need to cherish every single moment I have with them. my heart has never been so full and I have never been so happy.


Two under two is super hard! Babywearing saved me during those days. I hope you write more about parenting - I would really like Steemit to be a parenting community of active and engaged folks. Following - and would love to see you over @beriberi

Well described